The next morning Gracelyn wakes up in the top bunk of Peters bed she climbs down and then goes out to the kitchen but doesn't find either May or Ben there's just a note on the counter that read "me and Ben both had work today Grace your welcome here as long as you need there's breakfast in the fridge Love May "

Grace then proceeds to go and heat up breakfast for both her and Peter which was just some French toast that May wrapped up

Peter wakes up and smells something cooking so he gets up and goes out to the kitchen wanting to eat whatever smells that good then he sees Grace by the microwave with food "Ooh did you make me some?"he asks sounding like a child

Grace laughs "yes Pete here have this one" she turns around to hand him the French toast that was already heated up but once she sees him she drops the plate. The little boy she knew isn't so little anymore overnight he seemed to have as much muscles as Gracelyn did from her training if not more his face also changed slightly his features seemed more defined and it was just weird for her it's like he grew up overnight

Peter knew something was going to happen as soon as Grace turned around it was like a weird tingling feeling that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up so he then saw the plate drop and caught it a few seconds after Grace dropped it he then looked at her seeing how shocked she looked "What's wrong?" He asks

Gracelyn doesn't even answer she has no words she just pushes Peter towards the mirror that hangs in the hallway before the 2 bedrooms .

Peter gasps when he sees himself "holy shit" he can't help but say that he looks so much older than he did yesterday he looks like an actual teenager not a scrawny kid but he has something most teenagers don't muscles they grew in over night "do you think this is because of the spider?"

Gracelyn nods while exhaling "yeah there is no other explanation for this" her mind then starts to wander what else could he have gotten from that spider could he shoot webs or maybe communicate with spiders stick to walls like spiders could does he have super strength now that's when she decides their plans for the day "Pete do you have any plans for today?"

Peter shakes his head "not really no"

Grace then proceeds to pull him to his room and sits down at his computer "good because we are going to figure out what that spider did to you"

The rest of the day Grace researched everything that spiders can do and then they test if Peter could do it they figured out he could stick to walls and ceiling and walk on them they also figured out that he can sense things right before they happen Grace calls it a Spidey sense and Peter just goes along with it he doesn't poop webs like Grace suspected but he does have enhanced strength he was able to pick the bunk bed up with Grace on it with one hand and he didn't struggle that much there was a little struggle though but Peter would deny it .

Later that day May and Ben get home and see Peter at that point Grace left to go train with her dad who didn't even notice she was missing last night he went out drinking when Peter walked out of his room May exclaimed "holy crap Peter puberty hit you like a truck  how the hell does that happen?" She asks looking over at Ben

Ben then looks at his nephew who has changed considerably since last night "Peter you've seen the change of life I think it's time we have a talk"Peter is then escorted by Ben into his room he makes Peter sit on his bed and then begins "look kid I'm sure you know about the basic stuff but I'm not here to talk about that I want to share with you the one quote that has gotten me through life and it's time you hear it and understand the importance of it With great power comes great responsibility you are almost a grown man and I want you to know that is a power within itself you are going to have to be responsible with your words and actions and know the power they hold even if it doesn't seem like it at times what you say and do matters because it affects you and others around you always remember that ok?" He asks looking down at Peter

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