Once Peter and Grace both run into Peters apartment they collapse on the sofa "I can't believe I actually did that" Grace truly couldn't that beast has been torturing her for as long as she could remember and with peters help she finally fought back

Peter as just deep in thought about what he found at Graces apartment it was a scaly monster that was human shaped but has claws it was something straight out of a horror movie he had no idea if the thing just showed up at her apartment or if Grace knew about it "Hey Grace what was that thing anyways " he asks slowly starting to panic in realization of what happened.

Graces head snaps up looking for excuses not wanting Peter to know what has been going on but there is no other explanation that she could get away with , she sucks at lying especially to the Parkers. "My dad didn't abuse me he sends whatever that thing is to do it for him he calls it the beast I don't know what it is or where it comes from he just goes in his bedroom to get it but whenever I was home alone and looked for it it's never been there "

"That thing has been hurting you for years and you never told anyone"Peter stands up quickly thinking about what his friend has been dealing with silently for who knows how long she has always been so happy and sarcastic and seemingly a normal kid like him but she's been dealing with so much for a long time how is she ok and functioning normally after all of it because Peter knows for a fact that he wouldn't be able to in fact he doesn't think he knows anyone strong willed enough to do what she has done well besides Gracie and maybe the avengers "Grace are you ok?" He asks just now understanding everything.

Grace contemplates breaking down in front of him or saving the water works for later before she sleeps she chooses the latter "I'm just a little shaken up I guess"she responds that's not even the surface of it though she feels like she has relived everything that monster has ever done to her realizing just how wrong she has been treated by her father, people at training and that monster she's even questioning how she held herself together but when going through something traumatic the trauma never really hits you until it's over. As she thinks about all of this tears start streaming down her face and she doesn't realize it.

Peter just watches Grace as she seems to be thinking about the beast at least that's what he thinks tears falling from her eyes and all but he doesn't do anything he doesn't know what to do he doesn't want to try and cheer her up because she deserves a good cry after all that and he doesn't know how to handle crying girls so he just sits there hoping she understands that he's trying to be there for her

After about 5 minutes Gracelyn snaps out of her thoughts "sorry about that " she then wipes her face which is covered in tears

"No worries"Peter responds automatically

Grace nods "ok then we should probably go to bed it's been a long night" Grace then starts to head to the front door of the apartment

Peter stops her "no stay you don't deserve  to be alone after all that I know I'm not the best person to help you out but just stay here that place probably holds way to many bad memories for you" Peter rambles just trying to get her to stay he secretly doesn't want to be alone either after everything.

Grace just nods and goes into peters room him not far behind her and climbs onto the top bunk she's trying her best to not breakdown she doesn't want to worry Peter but she hasn't let out any of her emotions yet and the 2 ways that she does that is training or crying and neither of those are an option so she just lies there awake for about 30 or 40 minutes hoping that Peter fell asleep then she lets it all out sobbing.

Peter was lying awake too he was processing everything and planning ways to update his suit and equipment he thought Grace fell asleep by now because it was almost 1 in the morning but apparently not because he hears her cry he then shoots out of bed and looks up at her knowing that she's not ok and hasn't been for a long time and he never realized "do you want to talk about it?" He asks

Grace jumps a little when she sees Peter stand up but then she hears the question and starts to cry more she then starts rambling and trusting Peter with everything she sits on the edge of the top bunk and he is on his desk chair they end up talking  until 3 in the morning eventually falling asleep.

May wakes up that morning and checks on Peter like she normally does and then sees Grace on the top bunk with her legs hanging off the bunk and Peter asleep on the desk chair with his head on the desk she laughs a bit at the 2 of them and then goes to make breakfast and get ready for work.

The kids wake up after Ben and May both leave for work Peter wakes up first and gets ready for the day.While Peter is getting ready Grace wakes up and starts to do the same then they both go to the kitchen and make breakfast Grace makes cereal while Peter heats  up a frozen burrito .

Grace then goes to turn on the TV the news station was on and they were talking about the anonymous police call that lead to finding a mutant of some sort Grace then chokes on her food as they show her picture and say she's missing "uh Pete look what's on the news"

Peter then moves from his spot at the microwave to look at the TV his eyes widen a bit "Grace you need to tell the police stations that you're safe" he says while grabbing the land line

Grace then nods and accepts the phone that was handed to her she then calls the police station and explains that she was sleeping over at a friends house and had no idea about her apartment until that morning. The police accept her excuse and then around 30 minutes later a detective comes to question her and she lies and says she had no idea that the mutant was there even after Peters whole lecture about how she should just be honest.

After that the police and detectives leave and continue investigating the Bailey apartment and ask her to stay somewhere other than her apartment for the next few weeks while their still investigating she just nods in response and they leave.

The rest of that day is spent watching movies in the Parkers living room and just enjoying not having to do anything but be there

(1207 words)

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