{046} science- the frogs (ponyboy)

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today was the first day of a new class semester. the first class you had was science, which wasnt too bad. it might have been actually been fun this year since the whole gang was in your class too! being the only girl in a greaser gang had its ups and downs, but having a class with them was definitely going to be amazing. 

as you walked into your class you took a seat beside your boyfriend Ponyboy Curtis at the front of the class. 

¨hey why are you sitting at the front Pony?¨, you asked 

 he knew about your social anxiety and how you felt like everyone was staring at you when you were at the front.., but you loved to sit next to him in class so why would he do this?

he frowned, ¨ïm sorry babe, Darry forced me to sit here. He wants me to do extra good in science. you can sit somewhere else if you want¨.

¨nono its fine i like sitting beside you, but didnt you get an 89%¨, you were confused. an 89 was a good mark. 

you felt a breath on your neck, and turned around face to face with darry 

¨yea and where did that other 11% go little buddy?¨, he breathed into your face. ew coffee breath.

¨but Dar-¨, Pony started

¨NO¨, Darry shouted. and everyone turned to face you guys.¨I EXPECT YOU TO GET A 100% LIKE ME PONE! IS THAT CLEAR?!¨

just then Dally and the teacher walked in,  she looked very flustered and her hair was kinda messy.

¨Darry you need to chill¨, dally calmly said, ¨we dont want to give Ms. Patterson any trouble on the first day do we?¨, and he smirked and winked at the teacher as he took his seat right at the back of the class. 

you can Pony looked at eachother. he was clearly just as surprised as you

the rest of the class filed it, Steve and Twobit sitting in the back with Dally, Soda in the middle of all the girls, and Darry... with the teacher up front. wow. where the hell was Johnny you wondered?

the bell rang and the class quieted down. just as the teacher started talking johnny finally burst through the doors. he looked... very scared. 

¨just in time Johnathan, please take your seat¨, Ms. P looked dissapointed

luckly the only seat left was right beside you. maybe this class wouldn be too bad after all. you were seated beside your best friend and your boyfriend. 

as the teacher turned to face the board, both you and Pony turned towards Johnny.

¨ayo Johnny whats up man. why were you late?¨, Pony questioned 

¨i- i really cant talk about it here man¨, Johnny looked around scared

¨what? cmon Johnny, did you get jumped or anything?¨, you whispered

¨no y/n.¨, he looked right into your eyes, ¨worse¨.

what could possibly be worse than getting jumped by a few socs? 

as the class went on, you learned about frog dissection and that you would be doing it today after lunch. 

you and the gang entered the chaotic cafeteria, joking around and recieving waved and 'hellos' from many people. your group was quite popular, and you were too, for being the only girl and a gang. 

¨before we eat lets just all say our prayers that Darry isn't here with us because I have a whole lotta shit to tell you guys¨, two bit cackled

¨well first I wanna hear what excuse Johnny has for coming in late¨, you joked and everyone agreed

the outsiders  imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon