{034} their pick up lines (part 2)

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-i like you more than my hair and my books

- you'll be riding something much better than a real Pony

-i wouldn't run away from you


-ill pop your soda

-swiggity swaggity sass sodapop coming for dat asssss

- *hears you like dogs* i also shit outside


- roses are red, violets are blue... PONY DO YOUR HOMEWORK

- feel my muscles, their not the only thing thats hard right now *winks*

-im socially awkward. please go out with me 


- am i a bullet? yes! cause i wanna be inside you

-roses are red, lets go to bucks, a place where I like to fuck

- i dont usually ask people do do this.. s-since im shy... .........but do you wanna go up to the room? uwu


-is that a switchblade in my pocket or am i just excited to see you 

- did you hear i killed a soc with someone named pony.. but i have a bony looking at you right now

- feel sorry for me. my parents are abusive 


- car you a car car cause I wanna fuck you

- are you a cake cake cause i wanna eat you

-i like you more than I like both of those things, and thats saying alot


-lots of people call me keith but you can call me daddy

- i like my jokes, i like you... just not as much as my jokes

- wanna go to mickey mouses club house. beacuse. um. tee hee. 

all credits go to anib

sorry you had to read this everyone 

tee hee

stay gold <3

-mrs. curtis 

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