“Aww she’s such a sweetheart!“ Rae has officially become my favorite person. Second only to Corpse, of course. She’s so amazing I can’t-

“You are all so amazing.“ I only realize I’ve said that out loud when Corpse gives me this soft look that, if I hadn’t already melted, would’ve turned me into a puddle right here right now.

You are amazing.“ He mouths to me, tilting his head up to press a loving kiss on my temple. That little gesture of his makes me numb to the rest of the world for a moment or two.

“I’ll be the one to let the cat out of the bag…“ Felix says, chuckling almost nervously, “We prepared a list of question to ask Y/N, but now that we’ve met her, I feel like they are more appropriate to ask Corpse. Though we’ll need to modify them a bit.“

I can’t help but let out a giggle, “Oh this is gonna be fun.“

“Ok, I’ll start…“ Dave clears his throat formally, “Corpse, how does it feel to be dating the most awesome girlfriend ever?“

“Alright, alright!“ Corpse’s voice tries to dominate over the laughter that takes over the call, my own included. It doesn’t take him a lot to do so, let’s be honest. “If y’all plan on simping for my girlfriend right now, someone’s gonna have to hold my earrings.“

“I will!“ Sykkuno offers enthusiastically.

“Well, hold MY earrings, cause I’m simping hard!“ Rae says in a feisty manner that is just ADORABLE.

“He can’t hold both, that’s a conflict of interest! Sykkuno, you need to pick whose side you’re on.“ I feel honored to be able to witness a classic sibling debacle between Corpse and Rae. He has told me about their usual bickering sessions but experiencing one in person is a whole different experience.

“It’s ok, Sykkuno, you don’t have to pick! We can watch the chaos from the side.“ I reassure poor Sykkuno who’s been caught in the middle.

“Yeah, I choose that option. Thanks, Y/N. Phew.“ He sighs in mock relief and laughs.

“Ooookkkkk, before hands start flying in this call…“ Toast takes the wheel of the conversation, “This question is a bit more serious: When do you plan on going public?“

I feel my mood drop almost instantly and I’m sure Corpse notices cause his smile gets replaced by an expression of concern when he looks up at me.

“We’re not sure yet. It fully depends on Y/N, actually. I know how anxious the idea of people knowing about us makes her. I mean, she was terrified of this meeting up until like five minutes ago. I just wish she’d tell me why instead of overclocking her brain with worries without involving me to help.“ His eyes never leave mine during the whole speech and even after he’s done. I can’t look away either, his gaze has locked mine in place. Tears threaten to start pricking my eyes, but I can’t do much to stop them. The intensity and rawness of his words really broke the restraints I had on my wilding emotions.

The call has gone quiet - either they don’t know what to say, or they’re waiting for me to speak up. So I do. “I’m afraid, yes, because I believe you deserve more than a nobody like me. I was scared…and still am, that someone will point that out to you.”

There a short silent moment in which all of Corpse’s features soften so much, it nearly pushes me over the threshold of crying. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, Rae’s voice blasts from the speakers with intensity that makes sure everyone listening understands she’s not messing around.

“If anyone dares to even THINK that, we’ll all collectively MAIM them!“

Seven other voices support that message with cheering and shouts of agreement.

“We can all turn from sweet crewmates to deadly impostors if someone dares mess with you or Corpse. Or you AND Corpse.“ Jack’s voice stands out amongst the rest.

“No offense guys, but I don’t think you’d arrive on time to maim the person in question. You’d only find a body to report.“ He cracks his knuckles for extra emphasis, earning a laugh from me and everyone else.

“Don’t worry, Corpse. We’ll bury it.“ Joel says reassuringly.

Corpse yet again gives me that ‘I’ve-made-my-point’ look, putting me at ease like I haven’t been since the idea of meeting his friends and going public was brought up. I feel fearless, invincible, protected. I have now been engulfed by one of the best friend groups to ever be documented in history and all I can say is that it’s still so hard to believe. It all happened so quickly and casually, I can barely wrap my brain around half of it. But that’s enough, I’ve comprehended the important details: Corpse and Rae need their earrings held while they ‘fight’; these absolute cuties are capable of maiming someone and they’d kill and bury the body for me…..Wow

Now that’s what you call friends. 

And Corpse is well….Corpse. Aka the most wonderful, amazing, caring boyfriend.

What more could a girl ask for?

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