“Let me just get the desk chair from…“ I trail off as I turn to leave the room. His hand takes hold of mine before I can though. “I’m not running away, I swear!“

He has the audacity to laugh as he pulls me towards him, our bodies colliding. “Since when are you so bougie as to sit in your own chair?“ His comment makes my cheeks go red. At least no one heard that. Come to think of it, no one’s gonna know if I sit in his lap as I normally do. So I oblige and settle in his lap once he sits down in his chair.

Not gonna lie, I’m sweating a bit. My feet can’t touch the floor otherwise I’m sure my leg would be bouncing up and down due to my nerves going haywire. My hands are holding onto the arm Corpse has wrapped around my waist so I can’t bite my nails either. I’ll suffer nervously in silence then.

Corpse unplugs the headset and joins the call, nonchalantly greeting the eight people who were waiting for us: Rae, Sykkuno, Toast, Felix, Jack, PJ, Dave and Joel.

His and Hellos come in response to Corpse’s greeting before Rae speaks up, her tone shushing everyone else as if she just claimed the stage and the spotlight was immediately drawn to her. “Ok so Corpse, you promised us a special guest today. Is said guest present?”

All my muscles tense up and I feel genuinely frozen for a moment until I feel Corpse’s arm tighten its hold on me as a form of reassurance. “Yeah, I-I’m here. Hi.” I say timidly, cringing at my own childishness.

I’m aware this is a common fear in relationships - fearing your partner deserves better and everyone knows it. It’s that but amped up for me. The millions of fans Corpse has don’t know that he’s taken yet. We have been discussing the relationship reveal for a while now and I’m always pretty vague about how or when I’d like it to happen. I have left the decision in Corpse’s hands because if he let me choose I’d say ‘never’. I’m torn between wanting people to know and keeping it a secret out of fear for the backlash I may receive. I’m not a content creator. I have less than 1K followers on all socials. I’d no doubt be a nobody in his fans’ eyes. Just millions more people to agree with me when I say he deserves and could do better.

“Oh my Gosh, hiii!“ Rae squeals, “We’ve heard so much about you, Y/N! Corpse can never stop talking about you! We were getting really impatient to finally meet you!“ The enthusiasm my presence is received with nearly makes me tear up. I’m so overwhelmingly relieved that these people already have a positive image of me.

“I’ve heard plenty about you as well!“ Oh crap, did that sound like I’m insinuating he talks about them too much? “I mean, Corpse loves you all so much and he never hesitates to express it.” What am I even blabbering about, oh my God I’m a mess?

“Awww!“ Everyone in the call gushes. This time Jack takes the spotlight, “Corpse is like that teenager that tries to act tough and unbothered but we all know he loves us. And he knows we love him too.“

“And we love you for making him the happiest we’ve ever seen him!“ Rae pipes in excitedly.

My cheeks are bright red at this point and I can’t contain my joy nor the incredibly wide smile on my face. I restrain the squeal that threatens to escape me and hide my face in the crook of Corpse’s neck, squeezing my eyes tightly shut. “Thank you.” I manage to squeak out but my voice is muffled.

“You’ve made her emotional, guys. She’s gone in ultimate cuddly mood right now, she’ll be back shortly.“ He announces into the mic, knowing full well that will only make me more ‘emotional‘ - which in my case is the term we use for overwhelming happiness.

Corpse OneShots <3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ