Chapter 10

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''We can, and we have to. You three girls will be her bodyguards - and her friends. I'm hoping that you can persuade her to sccept her responsibility by Satuerday night at midnight, when the shapeshifters and the witches convene. But if not...'' Grandma Harman bowed her head slightly, leaning on her cane. She was looking at Rebecka. ''If not.'' She said in a barely audible voice.''You'll just have to protect her for as long as you can.'' Rachel was choking. ''I don;t see how we can protect her at all. With all do respect, ma'am, it's an insane idea. They have to know where her house is by now. Even if we stick beside her twenty-four hours a day - and I don't see how we can even do that, with her family around-'' The white head came up, and there was even a faint curve to the old woman's lips. ''I'll take care of that. I'll have a talk with her mother - young Ida, Casedy's granddaughter. I'll introduce myself and explain that her daughter's ''long-lost cousins'' have come to visit for Christmas.'' And undoubtly do something witchy to Ida's mind, Rachel thought. Yeah, after that they'd be accepted, although none of them looked a bit like Rebecka's cousins. ''And then I will put up wards around that house.'' There was a flash like silver lightning in Grandma Harmans's eyes as she said it. ''Wards that will hold against anything from the outside. As long as nobody inside disturbs them, you'll be safe.'' She cocked an eyebrow at Rachel. ''Satisfied?'' ''I'm sorry - no. It's still do dangerous.'' ''Then what would you suggest we do?'' ''Kidnap her.'' Rachel said instantly. She could hear Rebecka stop babbling in the background; she wasn't gaining any Brownie points there. She bulldozed on grimly. ''Look, I'm just a grunt; I obey orders. But I think that she's too important for us to just let her run around loose where they might get hold of her. I think we should take her to a Circle Daybreak enclave like the ones where the other Wild Powers are. Where we can protect her from the enemy.'' Grandma Harman looked her in the eye. ''If we do that,'' she said mildly,''then we are the enemy.'' There was a pause. Rachel said, ''With all do respect, ma'am-'' ''I don't want your respect. I want your obedience. The leaders of Circle Daybreak made a firm decision when this whole thing started. If we can't convince a Wild Power by reasoning, we will not resort to force. So your orders are to take your team and stay with this child and protect her as long as you can.'' ''Excuse me.'' It was Gabriel. The others had been sitting and watching silently. Ruby and Meg were too smart to get involved in an exchange like this, but Rachel could see that they were both unhappy. ''What is it?'' Grandma Harman asked. ''If you don't mind, I'd like to go with them. I could be another ''cousin''. It would make four of us to watch over her - better odds.'' Rachel thought she might have an apoplexy. She was so mad, she couldn't even get words out. While she was choking uselessly, Gabriel was going on. His face still looked pale and strained, like a young soldier coming back from battle, but his dark hair was shining, and his eyes were steady. His whole attitude was one of earnest pleading. ''I'm not a fighter, but maybe I can learn. After all, that's what we're asking Rebecka to do, isn't it? Can we ask anything of her that we're not ready to do ourselves?'' Grandma Harman, who had been frowning, now looked him up and down appraisingly.

''You have a fine young mind.'' She said. ''Like your father's. He and your mother were both strong warriors, as well.'' Gabriel's eyes darkened. ''I'd hoped I wouldn't have to be one. But it looks like we can't always choose.'' Rachel didn't know what they were talking about or why the Crone of all the Witches knew the parents of this guy she'd met in a mall. But she'd finally gotten the obstruction out of her throat, ''No way!" She said explosively. She was on her feet now, too, brown hair flying as she looked from Grandma Harman to Gabriel. ''I mean it. There is no way I am taking this boy back with us. And you may be the leader of the witches, ma'am, but, no offence intended, I don't think you have the authority to make me. I'd have to hear it from the leaders of Circle Daybreak themselves, from Louis Drouches or Lady Lily. Or from the First House of the shapeshifters.'' Grandma Harman gave an odd snort. Rachel ignored it. ''It's not just that he's not a fighter. He's not involved in this. He doesn't have any part in it.'' Grandma Harman looked at Gabriel, not entirely approvingly. ''It seems you've been keeping secrets. Are you going to tell her, or shall I?'' ''I-'' Gabriel turned from her to Rachel. ''Listen. I'm sorry - I should have mentioned it before.'' His eyes were embarrassed and apologetic. ''It just - there just didn't seem to be a right time.'' He winced. ''I wasn;t in that mall today accidentally. I came by to look for Rebecka. I wanted to see her, maybe get to know her a little.'' Rachel stared at him, not breathing. ''Why?'' ''Because..'' He winced again. ''I'm Gabriel Draches... of the First House of the shapeshifters.'' Rachel blinked while the room revolved briefly. I should have known. I should have realized. That's why he seemed like a shapeshifter, but I couldn't get any animal sense from him. Children of the First House weren't born connected to any particular animal. They had the power over all animals, and they were allowed to choose when they became adults which one they would shift into. It also explained how he'd known which pressure points to use to ge her off the dragon. And this telepathy - chilren of the First House could connect to any animal mind. When the room settled back into place, Rachel realized that she was still standing there and Gabriel was still looking at her. His eyes were almost beseeching. ''I should have explained.'' He said. ''Well, ofcourse, it was your choice.'' Rachel said stiffly. There was an unusual amount of blood in her cheeks; she could feel it burning. She went on. ''And, naturally, I'm sorry if anything I've said has given offence.'' ''Rachel, please don't be formal.'' ''Let's see, I haven't greeted you properly, or given you my obedience.'' Rachel took his hand, which was well made, long-fingered, and cold. She brought it to her forehead. ''Welcome, Draches, son of the First House of the shapeshifters. I'm yours to command, naturally.'' There was a silence. Rachel dropped Gabriel's hand. Gabriel looked miserable. ''You're really mad now, aren't you?'' He observed. ''I wish you every happiness with your new bride.'' Rachel said through her teeth. She couldn't figure out exactly why she was so mad. Sure, she'd been made a fool of, and now she was going to have to take responsibility for an untrained boy who couldn't even shapehsift into a mouse. But it was more then that.

He's going to marry that whiny little flower in the corner, a voice in Rachel's head whispered. He has to marry her, or at least go through a promise ceremony that's just as binding as marriage. If he doesn't, the shapeshifters will never join with the witches. They've said so, and they'll never back down. And if they don't join with the witches... everything you've ever worked for is finished. And your job is to persuade the flower to do her duty, the voice continued brightly. That means you've got to convince her to marry him. Instead of eating her. Rachel's temper flared. I don't want to eat her, she snapped back at the voice. And I don't care who this idiot marries. It's none of my business. She realized that the room was still silent, and everyone was watching Rebecka and Gabriel. Rebecka had stopped prattling. She was looking at Gabriel with huge grey/violet eyes. He was looking back, strained and serious. Then he turned to Rachel again. ''I'd still like to help, if you'll let me come.'' ''I told you, I'm yours yours to command.'' Rachel said shortly. ''It's your decision. I'd like to mention that it just makes things a little harder on my team. Now we're going to have to look out for you as well as her. Because, you see, you're not expendable after all.'' ''I don't want you to look out for me.'' He said soberly. ''I'm not important.'' Rachel wanted to say, Don't be an idiot. No you, no promise ceremony, no treaty, It's as simple as that. We've got to protect you. But she'd already said more than enough. Klaus was retrieving the DVD from the DVD player. Grandma Harman was making getting-ready-to-rise motions with her cane. ''I think we've stayed here long enough.'' She said to Rachel. She nodded stiffly. ''Would you like to come in the limo? Or would you rather follow us to her house?'' Grandma Harman opened her mouth to answer, but she never got the change. Rachel's ears caught the sound of movement outside just before the living room window shattered.

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