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Food. That was all the blonde needed. Just a bit bread. Noting less, nothing more.

He was 16 at the moment and have been living alone on the streets since he was 4. Even with 12 years on the street, it haven't gotten any easier to get food nor clothes.

The streets was full with stalls, but it wasn't many people seen outside. Like every other day. The thing wasn't that people would see him when he steals the food, the problem was that he will be beaten up if anyone sees him with it.

3 days ago was the last time he ate. He was clearly getting skinnier every day. The wounds he have and constant beatings he gets every time he tries to get food isn't helping either.

Even with that going on, he is lucky. No one have reported him yet nor have anyone seen him steal the food. One report of him and he will be sent to prison.

With a small glance around the place without anyone in sight, the blonde went to one of the stalls and took a slice of bread, quickly putting it in his mouth and running back to the dark alleyway he calls home.

He tried to eat the remaining bread that didn't fit in his mouth before as quick as possible, but spit it all out when a fist connected to his stomach.

The valuable bread was now on the ground as a bigger man stood in front of the blonde.

"Give me all the food you have." He said, making the blonde take another quick glance around before running away from the much, much bigger man.

Looking back while running, he saw the big man right behind him. He turned his head back to look where he was running, but he only saw a black belt and blue costume.

Before being able to stop, he ran in the person and fell to the ground. Looking up, he saw the whole uniform. A cop...

"Look where you are running you scum!" The cop said to the blonde who struggled to stand up. The police just took the poor boy by the collar and said "Look at me when I am talking to you! Where are your parents? They need to rise a boy such as you to a real man."

"I don't have any." The blonde mumbled as the police threw him back to the ground.

"Get going, you are to be at an orphanage!" The cop said as kicking the blonde in the stomach to get him to go.

The blonde stood up and took a glance behind to see the man chasing him before watching him go away with the police. With a small smile, the blonde stuck out his tongue in a mocking manner.

Even if he is weaker than many other people, he isn't giving up. He continues to fight through this all because he has believes. He believes that one day, all his suffering will pay off.

The man chasing him before just stared at the boy angrily before leaving. As soon as the big man was out of sight, the blonde turned his attention to the cop.

The policeman was looking in front of himself. This is the perfect time to take a run for it, but the police will notice if he isn't quiet enough.

So, the blonde just stopped walking, watching the police take some more steps. Then he ran off as the police turned around, just to see the boy run.

Starting to chase the boy, the man gave up soon enough and the blonde returned to the streets.

He could have gone to the orphanage. Maybe he could get food there every day even, but the problem is that the kids there becomes like puppets, slaves that do every order. That isn't a place for this blonde that have broken every law possible. He's a rebel after all.

Exhausted, the blonde went to the place that he calls home. The alleyway.

He have learned to not trust people anymore, so he tries to be in the shadows, where no one sees him. The blonde sat down, leaning against the wall and sleep slowly consumed him.

. . . . .

The next morning, he woke up without being beaten up. So by experience, he knew his luck was gone for the day.

He got up from his place and walked over to the light. This time, he probably won't have any luck, but he could at least try.

It's more people today, meaning it is something happening. No womans, just men, like always, but still.

Is it someone's birthday? No, it's too many people for that. What is it then?

Even though all the people, he snuck up to one of the stalls and was ready to take the bread when someone yelled "Thief!"

Knowing he was exposed, he looked around for a way to flee, but as soon as he was about to run, someone took in his collar and pulled him over the ground.

"You again?! This time, it's jail for you." The same policeman like the day before said. Punching and kicking in the air, the blonde just tried to get away, but none of the weak attacks even came near the cop.

When the boy finally stopped throwing useless attacks, the policeman put him down. Before he even been able to look where to run, the police man had put on handcuffs on his wrists behind his back. A long rope was tied from the handcuffs mid as the other end was in the policeman's hand.

With hard pulls, the boy was pulled with the policeman. For every pull in the rope, his wrist was getting a bit more bruised.

The last thing the blonde saw of his 'home' was the big man that chased him yesterday. He was smiling a mocking smile and had a jewel in his hands... meaning he was the real thief...

The forbidden loveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя