Ch.6 Girl With a Short Hair

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■Y/N's POV■

I can't concentrate during today's classes. The image of Yaku san's face getting closer to me keeps on flashing on my mind.

The bell rang, and I put my head down on my desk and look out at the window.  Mami came and sits on the chair in front of me.

Mami: you seem off... what's wrong Y/N chan?

Y/N: Ma-Mami...

I can't definitely lie to Mami, she can read me like an open book. I just realized something last night, but I think I need help with it.

Y/N: Ma..mi... I

Mami: what is it?

Oh my, I'm so embarrassed. I try to say it with a very low voice

Y/N: I..  ku... san

Mami: what? Are we playing guess the words or something?

I gulp down and lean closer and whisper to her.

Y/N: I... like Yaku san...

Mami hit the desk loudly making everyone's attention is on us.

Mami: I knew it! Finally, you admit that you l-

Y/N: Ma- Mami!!

I cover her mouth with my hands. Mami seems amused with my reaction, but then she looks at me with tender eyes.

Mami: tell him Y/N...

Y/N: wha?

I can't imagine telling Yaku san that I like him. I don't even know what he feels about me, what if he doesn't like me back. Maybe yesterday he just wanted to wipe something off my face. I can't get ahead of myself.

Y/N: no I can't... I... what if I'm not his type... what if things became awkward between us...

Mami: how dare you said that with that face... your obliviousness could kill me one day Y/N... well if you want to know then let's ask someone.

■3rd Person POV■

Y/N, Mami, Kai, and Kuro are currently together on the school rooftop. Mami dragged Kuro and Kai when they're sitting with some other volleyball member in the cafeteria. Yaku was also there, he was surprised when Mami came and yelled "Sorry let me borrow these two for a sec" and drags them away.

Kuro: so what is it?

Kai: L/N you look so flustered, are you alright?

Y/N: ah... uh ye-

Mami: Y/N wants to know Yaku's type of girl

Y/N: Mamiii!

Kuro's sly smirk shown on his face as he leans closer and teases Y/N.

Kuro: Oya oya~ L/N chan is interested in our short stuff~

Kai: stop teasing her

Kai hits Kuro's back lightly. Y/N was extremely red and super embarrassed. But she's not the type to lie, so she nods her head.

Mami: now now, stop teasing more talking... tell her what you know

Kai: um, I think Yaku likes y-

Kuro: Yaku likes girls with short hair

Kai and Mami immediately sent daggers at Kuro while he just shrugs his shoulder. Kai and Mami look back at the now freeze Y/N. Y/N has long hair, that reaches her lower back.

Suddenly she feels that the confidence is leaving her body and soul. From physically, she's not Yaku's type, she thought.

Kai: how could say said that over all things?

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