Ch.1 Short Guy

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■3rd Person POV■

Yaku Morisuke, the 3rd grade in Nekoma is currently walking back home after helping his mother with buying something in the market. The street on Saturday night sure is lively.

Yaku was about to turn left on a T junction when he hears a girl voice in a whimper.

Y/N: excuse me... please... let me go

L/N Y/N just got back from her grandmother's candy shop when she was stopped by three highschool students. Y/N is a cute looking girl, with a (h/c) long hair. But despite being cute and able to attract everyone around her, she's actually pretty shy.

Y/N is currently in a very uncomfortable position, as she was cornered into a wall with three boys standing in front of her, asking for her number and trying to ask her out.

Boy1: come on, giving us your number won't hurt

Boy2: why would a cute girl like you walk alone on Saturday night

Boy3: let us accompany you

Y/N was on the verge of crying when she hears another male voice.

Yaku: can't you see that she's uncomfortable?

Y/N and the three boys look at Yaku who's standing not far from them, he even walks closer.

Boy2: mind your own business kiddo

Boy1: What is your business anyway?

Yaku stole a glance at Y/N and their eyes met. Y/N looks at Yaku and she feels that Yaku is trying to help her out. His eyes seem reassuring and somehow it makes her feels like she could trust him.

Yaku: I was wondering why my date didn't show up and decided to look for her, but I found out that she was being cornered by three desperate boys...

Boy3: wha!? Dam you.. who do you call desperate?

Yaku takes a step closer as he doesn't even faze while facing the three taller boys with a serious look on his face.

Yaku: asking for a girl's number while cornering her... that's what I call desperate.

At his statement three boys are pissed, but they decided to finally leave Y/N alone. Yaku walks closer to Y/N as the two of them watching as the boys walk away. And then, one of the boys said something that annoys Yaku.

Boy1: can't believe a cute girl like that was into a short guy.

Yaku was really pissed and about to run after the person who said that when his hand is caught in two soft hands.


When I see that this boy was about to chase the boys who just bothering me, I unconsciously grab onto his hand, making him stay. The boy looks at me because I was grabbing his hand. I immediately let go of his hand and look down, I feel so embarrassed. Our heights are almost the same, he's still a little bit taller than me, but for a boy to be called short, he might be really annoyed.

Yaku: are you alright? did they do anything weird to you?

Y/N: uh... no... thankfully... um thank you so much for helping me...

Yaku: no problem, sorry for stating that you're my date, I think it'll make them go away if I say that.

I shook my head rapidly telling him that it's alright.

Y/N: uh.. well, what can I do for you in return?

Yaku: no you don't have to do anything... 

It doesn't sit right with me not to give him anything in return, but then I remember I got a pack of candy from my grand in my bag. I take it out and hand it to him.

Big Feet ( Yaku X Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt