Ch.3 Hero

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■3rd Person POV■

It's been two weeks since Yaku and Y/N walk to school together, sometimes they walk home together too. Kuro and Mami like to tease their friend about it.

Yaku is currently eating lunch with Kuro, and Kai on the rooftop. They're talking about the spring inter-high tournament, as they want to make their coach dream to see Karasuno and Nekoma against each other in inter-high come true.

Just then Kuro who is leaning his back on the railing looks down and something caught his eyes. He pokes Yaku's shoulder, telling him to see.

Kuro: oi, Yakkun... look

Yaku: what is it?

Yaku leans closer to the railing and looks at where Kuro points to. Suddenly he became stiff at the sight. There under one of the trees in the school backyard, Y/N is standing with a boy.

The boy holds a piece of paper in front of him, just by seeing it everyone could tell that the boy is confessing his feelings to Y/N.

Kai: I heard that L/N got a lot of confessions... and that boy, he's pretty popular too, he's from my class, Himura

Kuro: I can believe that... I mean, she's really cute... btw Yakkun, didn't you said you like girls with short hair more? L/N's hair is long you know... oi

Yaku is glued to the spot as he watches Y/N with the confessing boy. But the three saw as Y/N bows her head deeply and didn't take the paper.

Kuro: I guess the rumors about her rejecting everyone who confessed to her were also true...

The three watch as Y/N bows once more before leaving the boy and run to her class. Yaku watches as Y/N gets into the school building, and when he sees how the boy still watching her from under the tree.

Kuro: Jealous?

Yaku turns around and kicks Kuro's butt trying to hide his embarrassment. But actually, Kuro is right. Yaku realizes how cute Y/N is and there's definitely plenty of guy like that that want her. A tall and pretty guy like that one.

On the other hand, Y/N is running to her class and hugs Mami.

Mami: my baby is back, so how is it?

Y/N: I hurt someone else again...

Mami: well, that bound to happen when someone likes you and you don't like them back...  well today is longer than usual, what's wrong?

Y/N: he... kind of pester me to accept him... that's why I ran back here... why would he want to be with me... we didn't even know each other...

Mami: gosh, Y/N you are cute and totally oblivious...

■Y/N's POV■

The bell rang and I have another short study session with my friends.

Mami: ah I need to use the bathroom

Fumi: me too

With that, I was left behind. I often help Mami and Fumi to study before going home, because I'm not in any clubs.

When I'm trying to work on a question, I can feel someone is looming above me. I look up and see the boy from this afternoon.

Y/N: hello? Are you looking for something?

Himura: how dare you rejected me, now I was mocked by my friends.

I stand from where I sit and back away a little.

Y/N: Hi- Himura san?

Himura: should I force you to be mine? You think you're so cute and can just reject anyone

Himura was about to grab me and I shut my eyes, but nothing ever touches me. I open my eyes to see Yaku san grabbing onto Himura's arm.

Yaku: take what you've just said back!

Yaku san sounds really stern, his voice is so deep unlike his usual boyish voice, it sends shivers down my spine.

Himuro: what the- who are you shorty- Aw aw aw

Yaku san tightens his grip on his arm. And stare at Himuro.

Yaku: apologize to her!

Y/N: Yaku... san

Himuro then apologizes to me and leaves, leaving Yaku san and me inside this classroom. I can feel my knees are getting weak. Yaku san catches me right before I slump down. He helps me to sit on my chair

Yaku: you okay?

I look up at him, Yaku san looks worried. He saved me again. Why am I feel so calm when I'm with him? Is it because he helped me before?

Yaku: L/N?

Y/N: huh? Oh, I'm sorry Yaku san... I'm just a bit shocked... uh thank you Yaku san... I'm alright because of you

Yaku san is smiling, and he looks so gentle.

Yaku: good to hear th-

Mami: Y/N! WE BROUGHT YOU SN- hoooo, Yaku~ being sneaky aren't you

Yaku: wha? Why did you sound like Kuro? It's not like that, uh well your friends are here, I guess I can go back to practice now...

Y/N: uh, okay... thank you!

With that Yaku san turns around and walks to the door, but just before he reached the door he stops and turns back at me.

Yaku: wants to go home together?

I can feel that my heart is beating faster. I nod at him and he gives me his boyish smile before he finally left.

■Yaku's POV■

I just finished changing after practice and putting my stuff inside my bag.

Kuro: walking home with L/N chan again?

Yaku: shuddup Kuro! I'm just worried... weird guys keep on looming around her...

Kai: can't believe Himuro did that though...

I walk with Kai, Kenma, and Kuro to the gym entrance and there I found L/N's waiting for me. Why does seeing her waiting for me always made me excited?

The five of us walk together until we part ways, and only Y/N and I left. I've been having something in my head that I want to ask her.

Yaku: does it happen a lot?

Y/N: huh?

Yaku: I mean like today? I heard a lot of guys confessed to you...

Y/N's face turns bright red and she shook her head.

Y/N: I... don't know why they did it...

Yaku: haha, what do you mean? You're cute, kind, and sweet, of course, guys would like you.

Then I just realized what I said, I look at Y/N her face is getting even redder and I feel my face too. I avert my gaze somewhere else and clear my throat.

Yaku: well I mean, why wouldn't they like you? You're a very nice girl...

Y/N: uh... but they don't even know me... and I don't know them... we don't even talk...

I look at her again, so those guys probably after her for her beauty. How unlucky for them not to know her thoroughly.

Yaku: well, anyway, if things like this evening happen again, you can ask someone for help... you can ask me

Wait did I sound so forward? Y/N eyes are widened, did she think I'm being ahead of myself? But then she suddenly chuckles, her voice is really sweet. She then looks up at me and smiles sweetly.

Y/N: Yaku san... thank you... you helped me a lot... I feel safe when Yaku san's around, and Yaku san too helps to save the ball from touching the court when you play... Yaku san is like a hero

Her smiles, that's definitely making my eyes locked at her. If she wants to think that way, then I'll be like what she thought me off.

It's not bad to be her hero

It actually feels good...

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