Chapter Five - Such a Housewife

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You wake up with a yawn and hop out of bed. You take out something comfortable before going to your bathroom, showering, and doing your morning routine. After that, you go to Alex and Sally's room, helping them out of bed and changing them into different clothes. You take them downstairs and sit them down at the dining table, then make your way to the kitchen.

You make them some cereal and give it to them, letting them eat by themselves. You walk to the living room, where Smile Dog is being pet by Ally, watching Jeff and Ben play video games on the TV.

"Ben, Jeff, don't forget your chores." you remind, walking past them and to the nursery, where Jack is, cleaning the blood off of his scalpel and other items he had used for his victim, "Try using bleach and a little vinegar," you pop your head in, "and for the stain on your hood, I'd advise you to soak it."

"Thanks, Cry Baby!" he calls out, you hum in response and walk away from the door, to a radio which is playing 'driver's license' slowed down, soft sobs coming from behind the music. Sighing, you hold out your phone to the radio.

"Silver, please get into my phone." you say in almost a whisper. He obeys and jumps from the radio into your phone, trying to stop crying. You hold the phone to your ear to mimic being on a call with someone, "What's wrong, sweetie?" you ask, walking down the hallway.

"I don't know..." he responds with a sigh, "I just get ignored a lot and it's a little annoying..." you hum and take Jeff's knife away from Kate, earning an annoyed groan from her.

"You're no fun." she mumbles as she walks away.

"Silver, honey, if people are ignoring you, then you're with the wrong group." you state, turning around to go back to the dining room, "Maybe hang out with Ben some more, you like hanging with him, right?"

"Yeah..." you hand Jeff his knife back to him before going back to the dining room, "But he's always busy with school work or playing his games..."

"I know this might sound boring, but you could hang out with me." you offer, taking the two girls' empty bowls, "I don't expect you to help clean or do anything, but I could just keep you company." you set the dishes into the sink and check who's turn it is to do them.

"That sounds nice, thank you, Cry Baby." Silver says, his voice sounding a bit happier than before.

"My pleasure, just know, when you want to talk, I'll be here, but when you don't really want to talk and you're kind of bored of me, Smile Dog is good at cheering others up and cuddling." you hum, then call Masky to do the dishes that has been piling up since the day before.

"Thanks, Cry Baby. You're the best." he says, a smile in his voice.

"Aw, thank you, sweetie." you respond, then place your phone onto the counter, so Lost Silver comes out of it and leaves the room, a small smile on his lips. You instruct Masky to wash the dishes and call Hoodie into the kitchen, telling him to dry and pack away the dishes to make this all go faster.

You leave the kitchen with your phone in your hand, looking around for Jane. Once you find her, you tell her where Sally and Alex are, then leave to the laundry room, putting some clothes in the washing machine. You turn it on and lean against the wall, thinking about what Offender had told you. It's hard to believe, it's almost mind blowing. You never thought he would feel that way for anyone, especially for you.

You sigh, sliding down the wall. Why would he even feel that way about you? Sexual Offenderman loves you. Is he just saying that he does, because he wants you in bed? Of course he does! He's Sexual Offenderman! You scoff under your breath and frown, looking to the side, your brows rise and your expression softens. Why are you acting so mean? What if he actually does love you? Now that he told you, wouldn't it make everything completely awkward?

A sigh escapes your lungs as you close your eyes. You probably shouldn't have, but you started thinking about Offender... He's so polite to you compared to how he is to other women. He always gives you that sweet smile whenever you two have a little conversation. The thinking started to bring back memories, of that night he had come by to your old house, that mischief grin filling your mind. His intoxicating voice rings in your ears, causing you to shudder.

Then the thought of him kissing your neck filled your thoughts, his soft lips pressing against your sensitive skin. Your past self would call you completely insane if you were to tell her now that you wish you had let him continue. Goosebumps start forming on you the moment the sensation of his warm breath on your neck comes. You just wish he could have pinned you down and-

"Uh, Cry Baby?" you let our a yelp and look up, sweating and blushing deeply. Your eyes fall onto Ben, confusion written all over his face.

"Y-yes?" you stand up, "What's- what's wrong?"

"I heard sounds and came to check out what it was..." you hadn't even realized, but you have been gasping softly and whispering things to yourself that you could never even comprehend.

"Sorry, but I have no idea what sounds you're talking about..." you lie. He hums and nods, leaving to the living room once again. You groan softly to yourself. What's wrong with you? You're a married woman, but you're fantasizing about your brother-in-law? Pathetic. You should be ashamed, but you don't have much of a conscious for anything like that.

You feel a bit dizzy. Everything just didn't make sense. One moment he's just a friend, the next you start fantasizing about him. This isn't normal for an adult your age, it's what hormonal teenagers do! You shouldn't be thinking about him like this, even if it's hard, you shouldn't. You stand up and leave, telling Ben and Jeff that one of them would have to hang up the laundry or put it in the dryer. You walk upstairs, to your room, and sit on your sofa.

You weren't entirely focused the previous night with Slender, you were still a bit bothered by what Offender had said to you. You completely hate this, you really do. He's the one thought in your mind that lives rent free, but you really want to kick him out and continue your life as if none of that had happened. You know you can never go back to the way it was, even if you seriously want to. The past is the past, whether you like it or not.

The bedroom door opens by a familiar black tendril, a tall, pale figure in a black suit walks in, "I need to talk to you, darling." you gulp. He could know what's wrong, he could know what his brother had told you. You nod and he closes the door, taking a seat next to you, "What's wrong? What's bothering you?" he asks. You internally sigh in relief, knowing that, by the care in his voice, he doesn't know and wants to help.

"I, um..." you quickly think of something you could say, which is true, but not the reason, "I saw this TV show one time. There's this guy, um, Jasper, who's dating the love of his life... Susan. They're happy together, but Jasper can't help but have feelings for her sister, O-Olivia... He loves them both and they both love him back. He didn't tell Susan about his feelings for her sister, and he's not entirely sure if he loves Olivia or just has a bit of feelings towards her.. They stopped the season there and I just really want to know who he'll pick..."

Slender hums, "I would say Jasper should stay with Susan. He loves her and he loved her first. He might have feelings for Olivia, but it could just be human hormones." he shrugs.

"But someone once told me that if you're stuck between making two really hard choices, always go with the second one, because, if you were so sure about the first, the second wouldn't even be an option..."

"Huh..." Slender looks away, "Well, I have no idea..." he looks back at you, "But why should he make a decision? He loves them both, yes?" you nod, "Then why pick one, when you know you're going to hurt the other? Why suppress those feelings just to be with one?" you hum, looking down again, "I know that doesn't do much and I hope the next season comes out soon. I hate seeing you so confused and frustrated."

"Yeah, I hope so too..." he stands up and straightens out his clothing.

"I should continue with work. I hope you figure this out soon, love." you nod and greet him when he leaves.

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