Chapter Two - Teddy Bear

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~Time Skip: 7 years later~

It had been almost a whole decade already, yet it still feels as if you were pregnant with Alex a month ago. She's eight and three months now, and technically, you're in your thirties, but you still look twenty, since you're part enderman will look that way forever... Tenderman hadn't returned from his new job, sometimes on holidays he would, but he doesn't usually, since leaving could cost a life of someone innocent and in need of help.

Alex and Sally still play together, even if she started playing with Ben and Jeff and beating them in video games. You don't mind that she plays violent video games, I mean, she is part enderman. You might be getting a job as a teacher in a different high school or you might start homeschooling your 'old students' and 'new students'; either way, you're super excited to start teaching again.

You and Slender had been talking about having another child, but decided to wait a bit longer. The mansion is already filled with pastas, so why rush to add more to the household? Everything has been going well, but not really for Offenderman...

Right now, you're sprinting through the forest, sometimes tossing yourself with the help of your tendrils, sometimes teleporting further ahead. You're having a race with Alex, trying to see if she would beat you with her sence of logic. You dash through the woods, but try not to go on your fastest.

Once you make it to the final destination, you spot Alex dancing on a boulder, singing to herself. She spots you and giggles, "Congrats, sweetie." you climb onto the boulder, sitting next to the girl. She giggles again and sits on your lap.

"You're slow." she squeaks, pulling you into a hug, "But that's okay."

"Aw, you're such an angel." you respond and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you, momma." she stands up on your lap, holding your shoulders for support, "Daddy, me and Sally are having a tea party later! Can you join us?" Alex asks sweetly.

"I'd love to join, sweetie." you smile, "Must I help prepare?"

"It's fine, daddy's helping me." you nod in response, "Oh, hi uncle Offender!" she calls out and jumps off the boulder. You turn around and spot Offenderman walking past a few trees, turning his head with a confused hum before getting tackled to the ground by Alex.

"Alex!" you call out and teleport next to them, taking your daughter off of him, "I'm so sorry, Offender." you apologize and give him a hand to help him to his feet, hearing him chuckle.

"It's fine." he shrugs, "She's quite strong for a kid." you nod.

"Yeah," you clear your throat, watching the little girl run around a tree with a leaf in her hand, "so, what're you doing out here?"

"Found this camp site with a small group of people earlier while heading to the store." he states, "What about you?"

"Was having a little race with Alex," you look back at the girl, who's now chasing a butterfly, "I let her win."

"Awww," he leans against a tree, folding his arms, "how sweet." you nod in response.

"Mhm... Well, we should get going. Alex is having a little tea party, so she has to prepare and stuff." you explain, looking at him.

"Oh, that's nice, and I should get going as well, those people won't be staying there for too long." he says. You two say your 'goodbye's and you take Alex' hand, taking her back to the mansion. The two of you walk in silence, well apart from her humming, the snapping of leaves and twigs and the birds singing in the trees.

After a while, you and your daughter finally made it back to the mansion, where Jane was already waiting. She picked up Alex and told you that she was going to bathe her, so you let her do her thing. You know that she always wanted kids, so you tend not to intervene with her when she's playing or parenting Alex and Sally.

You head into the kitchen, finding Sally, Slenderman and Jeff all in there, baking cookies and cupcakes. Sally looks up at you and grins, "Hi, mommy!" she squeals, standing on a barstool while decorating the cupcakes with icing and sprinkles. Ever since you and Slender got married, she started calling you 'mommy' and you honestly live for it, she also started calling Slender 'daddy', and you know for a fact that he loves it too.

"Hey, guys." you greet and peck Sally's forehead, then ruffles Jeff's hair as he pours some cupcake batter into the muffin pan. You walk up to Slender, who's pulling a batch of cookies out from the oven with a pink apron and gray oven mitts.

"Good afternoon, love." he greets before you kiss his cheek.

"So, what could I help with?" you ask politely.

"You could help make the cookie batter." Slender offers. You hum with a nod and walk over to the sink, washing your hands, then you start pouring certain ingredients into the big bowl, mixing it all with a big spoon.


You help set up everything for the tea party with the help of Sally and Alex, the both of them wearing their matching dresses, Alex in violet and Sally in pink. You wear a (f/c) skirt simulator to the dresses, since they wouldn't allow you to wear jeans to the party. You wear a [black/white] long-sleeved shirt to go with it, wearing (f/c) socks and your sneakers. Jeff decided to join, mainly because he wants some treats and wants to spend time with you, considering you hardly do.

Slender sits beside you, Alex to your left. She sits next to Sally and Jeff sits between her and Slenderman. You pour some tea into the teacups, leaving the cups in front of their stuffed animals and toys empty. Everyone adds some sugar or honey with milk, then start dishing some cookies and cakes onto their plates.

"Sorry I'm late!" Splendorman cries out as he walks into the room, sitting beside Sally and Alex, "I just had to get some gifts!" he pulls out two presents from his bag, both the girls squeal and take their presents, ripping off the pink and purple wrapping paper and red ribbons. You secretly slip your hand onto Slender's knee, instantly feeling his hand gently grip onto yours.

"A teddy bear?!" Alex squeals, lifting up the teddy bear, which is actually a panda bear with a plum rose on one ear, "Cool!" Sally beams and pulls her gift out, gasping.

"A unicorn?!" she squeaks, both of the eight year olds jumping up and down.

"You love it?" Splendor asks with a huge grin.

"Yeah!!" the two girls cry out, playing with the gifts for a bit before having them join the tea party.

"I brought brownies!" Trenderman calls out as he walks in, placing the plate on the table in front of you.

"Yay!" the duo squeal and dish them onto their plates, starting to gush about their gifts to their uncles, while you talk to Jeff and Slender, stuffing food down your throats every now and then.


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((NUMBER ONE????!!!!))

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