Flareon: "The Worst eeveelution"

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I'm going to be honest, a while back Flareon was my least favorite eeveelution (keep in mind that it was still one of my favorite pokemon by default for being an eeveelution. I still loved it like crazy, I just thought it looked too similar to eevee.) I love all the eeveelutions about equally, some I love on the same level. My least favorite now would either have to be jolteon (because I always forget about him, he used to be my top favorite when sylveon x jolteon was my otp) or espeon (due to resentment and having a very albeit boring design, its still very pretty though). So I guess you could say Flareon is my 6th favorite eeveelution now, but after my top 4 favorites the rest are really about the same.

Common reasons people hate Flareon:

"Ewww it sucks in competitive, even with flare blitz its literally useless!!!"

Me: Does it even matter if you're not even using it? You can make any pokemon usable if you give it a decent move set and you have a good battle strategy. It's really just poor planning on your part. I had one person on Showdown who tried to defeat me with just a golbat. They gave it a Z move and a power up move...only they missed twice and I won only using two of my pokemon that resisted all its moves. Really...just think about this for a minute.

"It looks too much like eevee!!"

Me: Okay...I kind of understand this...but it was made in gen one, can you really blame them? Jolteon also looks a lot like eevee to me. I'm a-okay with flareon being floofy. Long live the floof!

Reasons to like Flareon:

It's very cute, floofy, I wanna snuggle it, its a perfect fire type eeveelution, and there is more to a pokemon than competative battling. I just feel like people should just get over it right now. You can still like Flareon, no one said you have to have it on your team. And if you want to go ahead.

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