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After I've had my shower and got changed I walk down the hallway towards my bedroom.

As I'm walking past his room Jason comes out into the hallway. He's not wearing a shirt and I can see all of his muscles and abs. After his lips of course his muscles are the next best thing to look at.

I look up into his eye and see my reflection in them. Looking at my face reflected in his eyes a memory floats to the surface of my mind. But before I can catch it Jason starts to laugh his mocking laugh as if he knows I'm thinking about his lips and abs.

I try to turn around to leave Jason and his mocking lips but realise that somehow while I was staring at him I've got myself backed into a corner and he's leaning over me.

Before I can attempt to get myself out of the corner I'd somehow allowed myself to get backed into, Jason leans down and towards me, looking like the predator about to capture his prey. His face stops just short of mine and I can feel his breath on my mouth and I'm sure he can hear my heart hammering under the towel I had wrapped my body in after my shower.

Jason's eyes are looking into mine, almost as if asking for an invitation and I can feel my eyes answering his question inviting him in, just an inch away from begging him to bring his face closer to mine.

Then it happens Jason brings his face closer to mine and I tilt my head up towards his and our lips meet. Our lips move together and I feel something almost feral inside of me responding to the closeness of Jason. I run my hands through Jason's hair and I feel his large, warm hands run down my back and then rest on the small of my back bringing me closer.

Even through by now I know that my towel is only staying on my body because of the closeness of Jason's body holding it up, I keep my hands wrapped around Jason head and neck, making sure the softness of his lips stays on mine. All through this I feel the urge to . . . howl?! I pull my head back from Jason's head so I can catch my breath and pull in enough air into my lungs to let out a howl.

Before I can let the air out of my lungs in a howl, I see Jason looking at me, his eyes show what appears to be barely suppressed desire and his lips while looking irresistible are stretched into his trade mark smirk. But before I can say anything about how he has to always ruin every good moment with his stupid smirk, I hear the creak of someone coming up the stairs. From the panicked look that chases the smirk off of Jason's face, I know that he heard the stairs creak as well.

Jason pushes past me into the bathroom causing me to have to grab my towel before anything important is shown and wrap it back around my body. Taking it that I'd just been dismissed, I walk down the corridor to my bedroom. Just as I get to my door Alex reaches the top of the stairs and smiles in my direction. 'Got the paint off I see.'

'Yeah. It's a shame really I thought the paint brought out my eyes.' As I say this I'm surprised by just how breathless I am.

'Yeah. It really did.' Alex seems to be just as breathless as I am, though I'm sure it's not because he's been making out with anybody. I feel blood rush to my face at this thought though it also could have been the fact that Alex had just lifted his hand and ran it over my cheek bone.

'Eyelash.' Alex says in return to my questioning look.

'Thanks.' I walk into my room, my cheek bone and lips tingling for different reasons, and Alex continues down the corridor. As I close my door I feel eyes on me. I look down the corridor to see Jason staring at me, hidden behind the bathroom door and Alex looking at me over his shoulder as he walks into his room. Jason closes the bathroom door with a smirk and Alex closes his bedroom door with a smile.

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