Ghostbur: Terminal

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Character: Ghostbur

Warnings: Terminal Illness, Sadness.

All I had been doing was resting, getting up for the occasional test and treatment throughout the day.

I used to be a normal civilian, watching as wars raged on around me. But not here I was, in hospital for the past few months in and out.

Nobody knew much personal information about who I would call the "popular ones"

Lame title I know..

But I was always curious to see what was beyond the stories.

The only issue was my illness.

As I mentioned previously, I've been undergoing a lot of treatments due to my cancer.

Yes, I know..

I had only found out I had it around eight months ago, and things weren't looking better down the line.

My parents had been sending me prayers every night, and it was only now that I started to realise that this might be the end for me..

Well, that was when the Make a Wish team had asked me what my wish would be if the time came.

I had no doubt in my mind that I was nearing my last few weeks, maybe even days..

But if I were going to choose my wish, I was going to make it something interesting.

I tried my hardest to think of who I should see and what I should ask, but I have so many ideas that I couldn't seem to pick only one..

Going over my options once more, I think I finally came to my decision.

"Ma..May I speak to Ghostbur.. Please..?" I asked weakly.

I was so tired. Tired of all the tests, the treatments..

The nurse nodded and left to go inform the Make a Wish team.

Every time I had caught a glance at Ghostbur, whether it was stories, or just seeing him floating around. He had always been such a kind soul.

If I were going to die from this stupid cancer, then I wanted my last request to be a positive one.

Sure, there were a million things I could've wished for, but all I've ever wanted was a chance to talk to one of them..

Just like many others, I was always too awkward or scared to talk to any of them.. After all, they had their own issues to deal with.

Looking up to some of them as hero's, protectors. I would be blessed just to be in the presence of such a high-status being.

The nurse had double-checked to make sure I was confident with this decision.

This is what I wanted.

Things did get a little pushed back due to reschedules of appointments which I was not particularly happy with, but it had to be done.

But not too long after, while I was resting after my latest treatment, one of my usual nurses came in to check up on me. But she wasn't alone.

"How are you feeling Miss L/N?" She asked, switching out my empty breakfast tray to my lunch.

"Kinda eh, not gonna lie.." I laughed; I wasn't really sure how I was feeling. Just chilling in the middle.

She let out a hum of response, waving her hand for the second person to move further into the room.

"So, we have a guest for you Y/N!"

Ghostbur floated in from behind.

"We brought in Ghostbur in for a visit as your wish requested!"

Ghostbur gave an excited wave.

"He was very happy to come today actually! I'll leave you two to it. I'll be back later Y/N." The nurse explained, rolling the lunch tray out of the room along with herself.

"So.." I awkwardly started, gaining the ghost's attention. Breaking his stare from all the medical supplies.

"Hi!" He greeted, hovering by my side, acting as though he were sitting mid-air.

"I got a message saying you wanted to see me for a visit!"

I gave a tired nod.

"something about a wish? I wasn't quite listening.. eheheh.." he laughed, readjusting his dark grey beanie.

"Yeah, there's this thing called Make-A-Wish. Pretty much this foundation where they give badly sick kids a wish before they, well... y'know.." I tried to explain in the easiest, non-blunt way possible, but Ghostbur wasn't following.

"Ghostbur I have cancer."

It hurt to say it out loud. I still wasn't ready to know that everything was coming to an end.


I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes as I continued to explain.

"Kids with serious illnesses get given a final wish before they, depart.. Sometimes they survive, but I don't think I will, based on how things are looking."

I turned away, not being able to see his devastated face.

Breaking his frown, he suddenly switched again, desperately trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey! Don't think about the bad things! No matter what happens ill always be here for you!"

I turned back.

"I'm a Ghost! Ghostbur! And even if worse comes to worst, we can always be Ghost buddies!" He announced, clapping his hands as he saw my face brighten.

Not going to lie, I did like the sound of being ghost buddies with Ghostbur.. It made me somewhat calmer, but no less scared of what I knew would happen.

At least I had something to fall back on, someone to hang out with. That is if I were to come back..

"I.. I like the sound of that.."

"Yeah! See? Everything will be just fine!" Ghostbur reassured.

I gave a warm smile as he leant in for a hug.

I tried my hardest but couldn't seem to find any energy to move.

I was exhausted.

Ghostbur didn't mind and moved closer for a hug.

Holding on with a loose grip around my stomach, I dropped my head back on the hard hospital pillows.

"You'll make it through this Y/N, don't worry.. I know you will.."

Those words settled me completely.

He was right, I will make it through this. I just need to stay positive.

And either way, I now had a Ghost Friend to help me through this..

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