Technoblade: Piglet

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Character: Technoblade

Notes: You're Technoblade's daughter around the age of 8-10

Warnings: Swearing

Despite it only just being you and your dad living out here in the snow, there was actually a lot to do. In the eyes of a child everything was a game.

You were currently playing with your toys in the back of the boat Edward the Enderman was in, obviously trying not to annoy him.

You weren't sure if he liked the company seeing as he couldn't talk, but you stayed either way.

Your dad, Technoblade, was currently on the main floor curing villagers while he waited for Philza.

You weren't sure why your grandpa was taking so long. You knew he was old but surely he wouldn't be this slow, right?

You didn't think on it too much and continued playing

After a while, your dad started rushing around all of a sudden, saying things to himself as he speedily made as many potions as possible.

"Dad..?" You asked, hopping out of the boat Edward was in.

"Not now piglet, Dads busy.." He hastily responded.

"Is Grandpa Phil still coming?" You asked anyways, despite him saying he was busy literally seconds earlier.

"Yes kiddo, he's just might take a while.." He sighed, sliding down the ladder to his storage.

You decided to leave it at that and go play with something else.

You started tracing your finger across the window frame, but then you saw someone outside?

That's weird.. You almost never see anyone out here besides your Grandpa Phil..

"Daaad? There's someone outsiiide.." You called out.

"WHERE?!" He yelled, rushing upstairs. You pointed outside at the man out in the snow.

"Ohh.. Oh, thank god it's just Ghostbur.." He sighed, leaning against the wall for a second to take a breath.

You were confused, was this the Ghost you overheard dad talking about the other day? Why was he here?

While making his way downstairs, he whispered at you to hide before going to greet the ghost.

Although you felt too scared to move, your body rushed itself upstairs into the bedroom

Kneeling on the bed with your head sticking out the hole of the ladder, you tried to overhear as best you could. You couldn't make out much.

"tec- hi techno! How's it going man?" 'Ghostbur' asked, following your dad upstairs. You pulled back a bit.

"Ghostbur this is terrible timing.."

"Oh, why's that? Is there any way I could help?" Techno paused for a moment to think.

Letting Ghostbur know of your existence may be a bad thing, but at least he knows he could keep you away from the danger..

He had no doubt in his mind that Ghostbur wouldn't slip up about you, the secret would basically be out by that point.

Techno had made sure that he kept you a secret. If he knew that violence would someday come, he might as well keep you safe till then.

"You any good at babysitting, Ghostbur?" Technoblade questioned, then proceeding to rummaging through his chests.


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