Tubbo: My President

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Character: President Tubbo

Notes: This one seemed better in my head but oh well

Warnings: Swearing


"Good morning Mr President!" I greeted cheerfully, catching the British boy off guard.

"Oh, Good morning Y/N. Any new news?" He asked, straightening out his suit.

"ooh, one sec." I said, popping my head into my house and grabbing a few papers.

President Tubbo grabbed the papers from my hand.

"Well, now that Tommy's been.. well, y'know.. Things should be starting to slow down now for a little. We also need to take down these awful walls.. That's what's next on our agenda." I explained, filling him in.

"Also, you got a call from Sam asking if you could meet up with him for your ocean proj.....ect?" I added.

"Sir is there something wrong?" I asked, leaning over to him to see what he was looking at.

"Y/N, what are all these pictures?" He asked.

My face burst into flames at the sight of my photo collection... of Tubbo...

Yeah.. I may or may not have a crush on my president.. Its been going on for a while now..

That collection I have was from the early days of my crushing.. I honestly don't even know how they got there!! But I needed something to say to cover it up and NOW.


"That's part of my... Photography collection!! Yeaaah, uhm.. Im making a scrapbook! Its of all the members of L'manberg!" Fuck, now I need to make a L'manberg scrapbook.

"A L'manberg scrapbook?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah! I thought I should have something crafty to do in my spare time. And well I mean, why not start with the president, right?"

"Yeah I guess that makes sense." President Tubbo handed me the pictures of him back, I quickly shoved them into my pocket.

The two of us started walking down to the obsidian walls.

"So, what have you been up to Tubbo?" I asked nervously, changing the subject as quickly as I could.

"Not much actually. I haven't been doing much since Tommy's exile.. If im being completely honest I was just laying in bed all of yesterday."


"Well, I mean if you need someone to keep you company I can join you in your be- I MEAN WE COULD HANG OUT!! And I c-could.. keep you company and stuff.."

I just can't speak properly today, can I?

"Y/N? Are you okay? You've been acting very strange.." President Tubbo asked me.. Oh, it felt so good to know he cared about me..

"I'm perfectly fine Sir, just a little less sleep than usual." Well, I mean it wasn't a complete lie, I have been losing sleep recently. Totally not thinking about him.. or anything..

"Okay? You should get to bed earlier then." President Tubbo advised. I nodded in response.

"I'll try sir."

"Sweet. Alright im gonna head out and try find Dream and see what's going on about these walls." Tubbo said, digging through a small section of the wall to get out.

"See you later Tubbo!!" I said, waving him goodbye.

I let out a shaky sigh, oh god I almost screwed up so many times just then..

Taking the pictures of him out of my pocket, I slid down the wall to the floor.

Softly running my fingers down one of then, I sighed deeply.

"Why can I just bloody tell you how I feel..." I whispered, then shoving them in my pockets

Seeing Ranboo and Fundy out the corner of my eye, I thought I might as well have a chat with them before heading home. After all, I didn't have much to do today. I need to start the scrapbook soon too...

"Hey guys." I greeted the two, adding myself into their conversation.

"Hey Y/N, you're blushing heaps again." Fundy pointed out, being more amused when I got more embarrassed.

"Are you still getting flustered over Tubbo?" Ranboo added.

"N..No.." They looked at me unconvinced, I sighed.

"It's just a crush.. I'm sure it'll pass.." This would all just go away eventually, right?

"I don't think you will." The fox mumbled.

"What.. N-No, it will, I'll just wait until it does.."

"I think you might regret it Y/N" Ranboo warned.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, flicking my hair behind my shoulder.

"Im just saying, based on the way you look at Tubbo, its obvious you love him. Because I know he looks at you the same way."


Even Fundy was confused.

"How would you know that..??" I asked, very nervous and confused.

"Yeah, how would you??" Fundy seconded.

"Well, I may have overheard him talking to himself at the wrong time, I guess he had to tell me everything at that point.."

I couldn't tell if I was about to have a massive energy boost from that or about to faint. I felt lightheaded. I mean I had always imagined scenarios in my head where we were together, but I didn't think I actually had a chance of those becoming REAL.

"uhhh.. holy crap.." I mumbled, staring blankly at the ground in complete shock.

"Y/N, now you can actually go ask him out!" Fundy reminded, enthusiastic.

"Nuh uh, Nope! That's not happening.." They both looked at me confused.

"Wait what do you mean 'no'? He likes you back! It's not like he's going to flat out reject you.." Fundy responded.

"no, it's way to embarrassing.. I need something that doesn't involve talking face to face.." I thought, twirling my hair around my finger as I thought.

"You could do something like I love letter maybe?" Ranboo suggested.

But then I suddenly had an idea. Why don't I use that scrap book idea from before and make one about him? I mean im sure I have plenty of pictures of him and I. (I mean mostly him..)

My face lit up, and before I even explained I dashed to my house, holding onto the pictures in my pocket.

"Ill be right back! I have an idea!" I yelled out to them, waving goodbye as I ran.

I'm gonna make this the best damn scrapbook my presidents ever seen

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