Arriving at the Manor

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It was 2:30 in the afternoon; rain drops were scattered across the dark, misty window beside me and the ticking and screeching of the train beneath my feet swept the liveliness from my body. I lay back on the cushioned seat and closed my eyes, my left hand enclosed within Draco's who was stroking his thumb along my palm in a soothing way.

We were on our way back from the beginning of our 5th year at Hogwarts to spend Christmas at the Malfoy Manor like we had done every year since I transferred from Beauxbatons Academy.

I had been sorted into Slytherin and life had been one long, smooth train ride from then on. Draco became my boyfriend in year 3 and I earned instant respect from the rest of the Slytherin house , however I'm aware that if it weren't for my relationship, I would've been mocked due to my half-blood status. Draco loved me for who I was.

Although he was, at times, a self-absorbed toxic bully... I could still see the good in him and he certainly had a soft spot for me.

Draco had been made school prefect this year and was always willing to show of his golden badge to just about every girl and boy who walked past him in the corridors.

He spent lunch times with me in the courtyard, we sat in the same spot everyday, by the large tree in the corner and Draco would always find a way to make me laugh and smile, even on my worst days.

After school he went to Quidditch practice and I would sit in my dorm reading, writing and sometimes daydreaming about my future, I was felt quite alone without him.

We were close. Very close; and I didn't mind the 'school bully' being my boyfriend for I had no other friends except maybe Hermione in Gryffindor yet she still chose to spend her time in the library or with Potter and Weasley.

The train came to a halt and we arrived at platform 9¾. I took my trunk and Draco led me in silence out of the train station and out the back to a dark, empty road where, on the brick wall behind the pavement, stood a port key, disguised as an old shoe which had been misplaced.

Draco swiftly looked behind him to check all muggles were out of sight, grabbed my arm and placed his hand on the shoe.

In a split second we were spiralling through no where yet somehow travelling somewhere: like running cluelessly in a pitch-black cave with no end. Then the blonde haired wizard let go; I felt my heart drop and my blood rush towards my feet as we fell through the fog of nothingness and landed on a cobble-stoned path.

I regained my balance and took a sharp breath outwards before restricting my gaze to the large house standing proudly opposite me. It was lined with rectangular hedges and painted grey with large towering spikes, reaching out from each corner of the mansion.

The gloom and magnificence of the place sent a shiver down my spine and I looked Draco in the eyes, a reassuring smile lined across his perfect face, and held his hand before we made our way along the path towards the grand entrance.

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