6. Companion

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The journey to this mysterious gathering was spent in comfort. Zephaniah was courteous throughout the entire ride, making sure that I felt comfortable.

Wondering when we would reach the place, I glanced out the window noticing the change in scenery.

We were in the middle of nowhere.

I felt a sudden chill crawl up my spine.

What if this was all a setup? Maybe he's driving us to a forest just to kill me?

The mere thought of where one would kill someone for petty cash made me realize the situation I found myself in. Silently praying that such a thing would not happen, the vehicle came to a halt.

A large silver gate prevented us from going any further. The blonde rolled down his window, pressing a button on the wall and the buzzing sound of an intercom was heard. A deep voice spoke in an unfamiliar language with him but he managed to respond in ease.

Unable to get the gist of it, I brushed it aside. After their exchange of words, the gates soon swung open and the car began to roar back to life.

Shortly, he pulled over at a large yet extravagant manor. My watchful eyes stood in a daze at the tremendous beauty. An awe-inspiring sight you could only witness in story books or movies.

Zephaniah got down and handed his keys to a Valet. He opened my door, "Shall we head inside?" he questioned, smiling as he stretch his hand out for me to take. Hesitantly, I took his hand. It was warm.

From a distant you could see someone running out the manor. I squinted my eyes to take a better look and saw Klaus heading our way. His taste in clothing was very flamboyant.

By the time he reached us, he was breathing heavily with a hand on his chest. "Hello to you too, Klaus," the man greeted, letting go of my hand. "Spare me the greetings, Zeph. Evan is pissed at you for being late," he huffed, standing straight while he slowly caught his breath.

"If Evan wanted, he could've done it himself without asking someone else to do it," he professed.

"Tell him that," Klaus stated, staring intently at me. As if being struck by lighting, he snapped his fingers and pointed at me, "Oh it's you! The girl who spoilt Evan's shirt."

I smiled awkwardly, wishing with all my heart that these rich brats would forget me in such moments.

Curse their memory power!

"She's the one you spoke of? Isn't she's too innocent for him?" Zeph commented.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, feeling somewhat offended.

"That's what I said too! Though you should have seen her when she spoke to Walter. Dude! The look on his face was priceless that even our cold-hearted king laughed!" the brunette exaggerated, Zeph chuckled in amusement. "Guess I should watch my back," the blonde said as I blushed in embarrassment.

"But man, I spent a fortune in buying it and you know that twat ended up doing? Throwing it away like no one's business! The least he could do was keep it," he pouted at the memory of it.

"You should be happy he even wore it."

"Right, like yours had to face anything like that," Klaus said, each word laced with sarcasm.

The two of them began walking towards the manor with me tagging behind.

The interior was breath-taking, it was way better than the exterior. Klaus and Zeph walked in as if it were just an everyday scenery while I was amazed by the minor details.

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