I stared at the message for a while. The spot we had in the mall was where we would usually meet new people. It was next to the movies and close to a snack bar. Tears didn't stop falling from my eyes, but I quickly cleaned them. But it didn't exactly work. 

Then, I got the box with the envelope in my hands.  I slowly opened the envelope. 

"Excuse me. I'll leave you alone." The officer said leaving. I slowly nodded.

I got the note out of the envelope, and read it.

        Hey Macy!

        Here's a little something for the birthday girl... Hope you like it! <3



 I got the box, and opened it. I saw a beautiful necklace, which I quickly recognised. It was a necklace which had a locket we once saw together. I tried it on, but when I went to buy it, it was too expensive. I opened the locket and in one side there was a picture of us when we were about five years old, I think. And in the other side there was a picture of us we took a couple months ago. I started to cry. I gently took the neckalce out of the box, and put it around my neck. 

I was crying a lot. I couldn't stop. I sat there in the empty room remembering all the memories we had together. I got her phone and started to look at her pictures. I saw tons of pictures with me in it. There was one we took at a party. I kept on looking, then saw when I saw a picture of us with Izzy. We took that one the day before Alice's 16th birthday. She was so happy. She made an Amazing Super Sweet 16 party. I still remember that she presented me to tons of new guys, hoping one would soon be my boyfriend. I was there for about 30 minutes until I recieved a text from Lou.

        From: Louis 

        Message: Where r u? r u ok? come outside the police station to meet us. 

I started to get my things. I got the necklace's box, the envelope, and Alice's phone and placed them in my purse. I swept the tears out of my eyes and left the room. On my way, I met Officer Cavaret. 

"Excuse me officer. I was just wondering if I could take Alice's phone with me." I asked him, getting the phone out of my purse to show it to him.

"Well," he started.

"Please. It's my birthday today." I told him.

"Ok. You can take it. Sorry for your loss and happy birthday!" he told me. 

"Thank you." I said and went outside the police station. I met everyone there, each one with a wrapped present. 

"Hey," they all said coming to hug me.

"Are you ok?" Izzy asked me. I shook my head. I looked at Lou's range rover and the trunk was open. Lou made a sign for me to sit, and I did as told. 

"Here." he said giving me a wrapped box. "Happy Birthday, from me and the boys." He said trying to sound cheerful. I unwrapped it and saw an white box, with a picture of an iPad. 

"You've got me an iPad?" I asked them They all nodded. "Thanks guys." I said giving each one a hug.

"This one is from Perrie and me," El said giving me a wrapped box too. I unwrapped it and saw a beautiful dress. It was a white, lacey, strapless dress. 

"Thank you." I said hugging them.

"Now this one, is from me, Izzy, and Sel." Angie said, giving me a small box. I opened it and saw a golden bracelet with the infinite sign on it with little sparkles. I quickly put it on.

"It's beautiful." I said. "Thank you." I said hugging them. We stood there for a while silently. 

"Wait. What time's it?" I asked them.

"It's 6h30pm, why?" Izzy said. I had an idea. 

"I need a ride to the mall." I said. 

"I'll take you," El said.

"Thank you." I told her, and we started to walk in her car's direction. Then I remembered something. I ran back to where everyone was, ran to Niall and gave him a kiss.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too." he said.

"Nialler, I've got to go now, but when I get back, you can take me on that date." I told him, and he nodded. I gave him another quick kiss and went to El's car.


When we got to the mall it was 7h05pm. We entered the mall, and I took El to the spot where Alice and I would always sit. 

"Why are we here?" El asked me.

"Before she died, she told me to go to this spot we always sat. And she said she invited some friends." I told her.


"So, I want to meet them. I've got to tell them the news. They were her friends too." I said. 

When we got to the spot, there was a couple and another girl. I knew her. It was Courtney. Alice's close friend which I met, and became friends too. The couple I wasn't sure who they were. El and I walked over to them. When Court saw me she stood up.

"Hey," I said giving her a gug.

"Hey," she said. "Where's Alice?" 

"So, that's what I came here to tell you all." I said. Then I gave the couple a look and smiled.

"Hello. I'm Ian and this is my girlfriend Jen." The boy said. 

"Pleasure. I'm MacKenzie." I said. 

"So, what happened to her?" Court asked me.

"I don't know how to say this, but. Um..." I started all confused.

"Alice died." El said. I looked at them. Jen started to sob in Ian's arms and Court was crying. Just by watching her cry, it made me cry too. I hugged Court and we cried together for a while. Ian was staring at the floor sadly.

"Guys, c'mon. I'm sure Alice wouldn't want you to cry for her. I think she would want you to remember her as someone fun, and all." El said. Court and I pulled away from our hug, and cleaned our tears. I saw Jen doing the same thing.

"You're right El." I said. "Would you guys like to exchange numbers?" I suggested. They all nodded.

Each one got my phone, typed their number in, and sent themselves a text, so they could save my number in their phone. After that, we started to talk about other things trying to distract each other. Jen and Ian are together for a year and six months. Court was now dating, and I told them that I was dating someone too.

"We've got to go." El said checking her phone.

"Why?" I asked her. 

"Niall just sent me a text." she said. "It's almost 8h 15. And he wants to take you out on that date."

"Ok." I said. "Bye guys." I said to my new friends and gave them a hug. 

El and I went back to her car and went back home.

"Are you better?" she asked me.

"Yes. A lot. Talking to them, Alice's friends, made me feel better." I told her. 

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Hey Readers!

What do you think will happen to MacKenzie now? What will happen in her date with Niall?

Thank you all for reading my fanfic. <3

I'd like to ask you all to read 'Err... WHY ARE ONE DIRECTION BEHIND THE SOFA?!?! (one direction fanfic). It's really good and a amazingly great fanfic, and you should read it some time.


Nerdy Cute Chick  

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