Chapter 23: Gathering Allies

Start from the beginning

I pray as I write this to all the gods above that this makes it to its destination without interference. This letter is coming from Berk with high urgency. With the uprising of evidence of our previous heir's survival, many other problems have arisen with it. The Heca tribe, along with the Dragon Hunters, have made a temporary three-part alliance with their council in order to rid the world of the remaining Hybrids. They have even gone as far as to lock up Chief Stoick along with a young female Hybrid. Only a small band of us have seemed to retain any sense of humanity and ask for your assistance in stopping all this. But proceed with caution. Both the Hecan's and the Dragon Hunter's have vast numbers here with more surely on the way. This place has become a war zone. If you choose to help us we suggest coming alone or with only a few others to a secret meeting place we have deep in the forest. It will take a large amount of planning to overcome this threat.

Deepest regards, Phlegma the Fierce." He finished.

Without hesitation, Dagur ran off to find his wife, Mala, while Heather called Windshear over so she could get a good start towards Berk.

What was once a place where dragons soared through the skies with their human companions accompanying them was now a deadly war zone with a vast army ready for any attack from all sides. The Heca Chief, Boral, had Berk under his thumb. The Hooligan tribe couldn't back out of this even if they wanted to. He had essentially taken over the entire island. With Chief Stoick locked up in his own prison cells, it was quite easy to get things done when he wanted them done. Nothing happened without his say-so.

Although he kept up his part of the deal and made sure no harm came to the Berkian's dragons, as much as he wanted them all to perish, he was still threatening enough to have most people grounded out of fear of losing their scaly friends.

He had to admit that in the past he had high respect for Stoick. He was well known for his dragon-killing tales. But after he became a dragon lover all that was lost. Who knows, maybe if it hadn't been for Stoick's wimpy son, who somehow managed to stop the war, Heca and Berk could've forged an alliance under different circumstances. But all that was in the past. Now they could build a new future. The way it should have been.

Out of spite and sheer cockiness, Chief Boral decided to visit the imprisoned Chief.

Just for the fun of it.

When he arrived at the cell he for a huge grin on his face. A grin of triumph. "Well Stoick, seems things really have changed for the better around here haven't they?" Stoick grumbled.

"And you, pretty lady." He grabbed Annie harshly by the chin through the bars. "Just you wait. We have special plans for you. It'll be quite the show." He said in a soft threatening voice as she pulled away, rubbing her chin.

He let out a fit of booming laughter that echoed through the halls. "You know Stoick, things could've been different. We could've formed a great alliance, a strong one too. But you just had to give it all up. And fer' what? Ye' son ain't even here anymore. What a pity. You know runts don't last long in this world. They always get picked apart by the bigger man. It really was an inevitable end for him. I would say I felt bad, but then I would be lying."

Then Chief Boral got closer to Stoick and spoke in a voice only he could hear.

"I know what really happened to yer' boy. I know what he really is. Trust me, Stoick, we ain't keeping that girly alive 'cause we're tryin' to be nice. And when he comes running back home I'll be sure to teach im' a lesson about staying where he belongs. In Hell." His voice dripped with venom with the last line.

Stoick would never admit it but that one line sent chills through his body.

Boral had turned away without saying another word, only giving Stoick a threatening and triumphant glance. When he was finally out of sight the Berkian Chief could take a breath.

"What did that ol' bag of fleas tell ye' Stoick!" Gobber exclaimed, clearly irritated at any possible threat to his old apprentice.

"It's exactly like we feared." His voice started out quiet before regaling normal volume. "He's going to draw them in before finishing them off."

"Well, surely they won't come here, right?"

Annie shook he head, entering the conversation. "No, they will come. Slowly but surely. We never leave anyone behind. It's how we've stayed alive this long. When one of us is in danger someone will always come to help us. Right now I, along with any other Hybrid they may have locked up here, are just the bait for luring everyone else in." She said with a few tears leaving her eyes.

She felt so helpless, like a sitting duck.

"Besides, if we as a people want to stay safe and expand in this world we first have to take out those who disagree. And believe me when I say we aren't always so forgiving."

The Chief and Blacksmith duo were taken aback by her saying that. It seemed almost like a threat or a warning. Maybe it was a warning. But with her upset tone, there was no way to know for sure.

Deep in the forests of the Berkian Isle, a group of Vikings waited patiently in a cove very few people knew about. When two dragons came into view they could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank Odín you're here." One cried as the two dragons landed. Two people slid off of one identifying as the King and Queen Defender of the Wing.

"We came as soon as we got your message" the Queen spoke.

"What happened here? I was here not that long ago, how could it have changed this much?" Heather inquired.

"Well after Stoick went on some emergency trip, Spitelout took over as acting Chief. While Stoick was away Johann came by and dragged us into a whole alliance with the Heca tribe. After that, everything went straight to hell." They explained.

"Well, that explains quite a bit," Mala stated. Both Heather and Dagur looked at her strangely. Understanding that she knew something they didn't.

Mala sighed before explaining. "The Heca tribe is known throughout the archipelago and beyond for being fierce warriors in battle. Merciless. But one fact that has been lost through the changing times was their reputation for taking down Hybrids. They showed no mercy to them. Not many tribes are still aware of this once well-known fact. It was lost just as the knowledge of Hybrid existence was." She finished sadly.

"Some tribes such as our own attribute the Hybrid's disappearance mostly to them." She added.

Both the siblings were a bit taken aback. They had never heard these stories and were slightly grateful they hadn't.

"Well we came here to help so let's get to talking about how we can do that," Dagur spoke up confidently.

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