Jiyang sighed pushing away his own plate, breakfast time was over. "Five years ago, Wang Yibo lost his brothers Ji and Yi, and on that same day, his sister was kidnapped"

"Ji and Yi?" Xiao Zhan raised an eyebrow, he already knew they died five years ago, he needed something else.

"Ji and Yi were eighteen when they died and they were twins" Bin responded.

"How did they die...?" Zhucheng voiced out.

"In an explosion" Jiyang revealed, Xiao Zhan gasped. "The twins received a phone that was meant for Wang Yibo that their sister that was held hostage in a building. They rushed there and couldn't find anyone. Unfortunately, a bomb was installed and they were not able to make it out before the building exploded. Wang Yibo got there in time to hear their screams but he couldn't save them" he continued and Xiao Zhan and Zhucheng had their mouths wide opened on the table.

Xiao Zhan's vision got blurry. "Oh my God!" He choked out.

"Why does he hate his brother?" Zhucheng quired.

"Haikuan lured Wang Yibo out without his phone which was why the twins had access to it as they got curious and picked the call" Jiyang continued.

Xiao Zhan's brain ran different direction, trying to process what Jiyang just said. Haikuan did what...? How could he be so cruel to his siblings. No doubt, Wang Yibo had every right to feel loathe towards him...but, was that the truth or was there more to it than meets the eye?


Jiyang soughed, staring directly at Xiao Zhan.. "Any negative emotion could result to you losing the child. I can't have Wang Yibo over my neck. I will have to kill myself before he gets here" he smirked.

"Don't you think I deserve to know. I am caught in the middle of all of this. I was nearly shot yesterday and now, someone is after me and I don't even know who it is and the worst part, Wang Yibo won't tell me anything" Xiao Zhan slammed his fist on the table with darkened eyes, startling everyone as they jerked up straight on their seats.

"Calm down Xiao Zhan" Said Bin.

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath. "Please, I deserve to know. Give me a little bit of information" he pleaded.

"Alright, put your seat belt on" Jiyang stated. "You want to know the main reason why we all call him Boss?" He asked and Xiao Zhan nodded.

"We are part of a Mafia syndicate and Wang Yibo is our leader." Zi continued.

"Mafia...?" Xiao Zhan raised an eyebrow questioningly. "As in an organized crime syndicate?"

"We prefer to call it the underworld"

"Wang Yibo owns a crime syndicate...!?" Xiao Zhan's voice raised a little as his eyes widened as if they wanted to pop out from their sockets.

Wang Yibo was a Mob boss...!

Xiao Zhan could no longer believe his ears. Now he knew why guns were involved in his story and most of all, now he knew and understand why Wang Yibo had such a intimidating, dark and scary aura.

"We don't kill unless it necessary" Jiyang said.

"Is that supposed to make you look innocent" Zhucheng voiced out.

Jiyang shrugged. "Not really"

"Where does Madam Hua come into this?" Xiao Zhan grilled.

"That's all I can share at the moment. He will eventually reveal everything when he is ready. Just be patient and give him time. Boss is a nice per..." Jiyang didn't finish his sentence before Bin and Bowen slipped out water from their mouths, coughing out loudly as if they just heard an abomination.

"Can you not put nice and Wang Yibo together, it's creepy" Bin stated, wiping traces of water from his mouth.

"Yeah, can you use something else" Bowen agreed. He had known the man for the pass three years years, he would never associated him with the word nice. It was like bad mouthing the word.

Jiyang rolled his eyes dramatically. "He was nice"

Bin and Bowen nodded their heads. "That's much better"

Soon, everyone broke into chatter but Xiao Zhan mind wouldn't stop racing. He was still confused and at the same time, he felt sad. Sad that Wang Yibo went through so much alone, he felt bad for the other, his heart ached just by thinking of it. He wouldn't blame the man for turning cold, non would he blame him for joining or forming a crime syndicate and he definitely wouldn't blame him for hating his brother so much because Xiao Zhan felt the same way. How could Haikuan be so cruel and wicked to do such a thing, how could he even sleep peacefully at the night because Xiao Zhan would definitely get nightmares just by thinking of it.

But he was confused, he still didn't have enough details that would set him on the right track.

What part did Madam Hua have in this...?!


Please, I sincerely apologise for the late update but please, share your thoughts on the chapter and don't forget to vote.

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