"I won't be gone for long, I've already called Zhucheng, he will be keeping you accompanied and Jiyang will be here too. You won't feel lonely. What I need to do right now is very important" Wang Yibo caressed Zhan's cheek with his thumb.

Xiao Zhan eyes softened as his leaned into the other's addictive touches. "Where are you going?"

Instead of answering, Wang Yibo slammed his lips on the other's in a deep kiss before putting away. Xiao Zhan noticed how Wang Yibo's eyes had suddenly darkened. "You don't need to know, Jiyang will provide you with everything you need till am back. Take care of yourself and Yuan" he caressed Zhan's tummy before heading towards the door.

"But Yi-" Xiao Zhan wasn't able to say anything as Wang Yibo was already out the door.


Xiao Zhan held the scan test his his hands as he and Zhucheng walked out from the hospital to the parking lot, where Jiyang await them with his car.

"Hope you didn't wait for long, you could have come in with us" Xiao Zhan smiled warmly at Jiyang as he and Zhucheng entered the back seat of the car.

Jiyang rolled his eyes. "I have been waiting for hours"

Zhucheng equally rolled his eyes, matching the other's attitude. "I think you are being paid for your job"

"What do you know?" Jiyang fired back.

"More than you do at the moment" Zhucheng scoffed in a challenging manner.


"That's enough guys, remember there is a pregnant someone present, I can't bare to hear another one of your silly fights!" Xiao Zhan scolded.

The two had only met each other like two days ago and they were always at each other's throats.

"He started it!" Both men pointed and glared at each other like kids.

"Can we please go now Jiyang" Xiao Zhan blinked nicely. Jiyang scoffed before starting the engine and the car started moving.

Xiao Zhan rubbed his sweaty palms together, feeling his heart picking up every minute, his breathings were slowly and soft, he suddenly felt sickened and ardent.

"Are you okay, Xiao Zhan?" Zhucheng who noticed the sudden change in his friend's demeanor decided to ask.

Xiao Zhan shook his head. "I don't know but I feel as if something bad is going happen any minute" he revealed.

Zhucheng held Xiao Zhan's hands, giving him an assuring smile."It's gonna be okay, nothing bad is going to happen"

Xiao Zhan gave a small smile. "Am just being paranoid"

"You are pregnant after all, it's normal I hear" Jiyang commented from the front seat, trying to keep the atmosphere light as his eyes keeping scanning every corner. Xiao Zhan was right, he also felt odd. He turned his gaze to the side mirror and his eyes widened as a saw a black van rushing towards them in full speed.

"Shit!" He cursed, speeding up fastly.

"What's going on?" Zhucheng asked, reeling and his eyes widened as well. "Fuck!"

"Get down!" Jiyang yelled, rolling the wheels in his hands like a professional.

"Wh...!?" Xiao Zhan tried to question but it turned into a ear piercing scream as the sound of a gun shot was heard from behind them.

"GET DOWN!" Jiyang shouted, taking a faster pace.

Zhucheng put his hand behind Xiao Zhan's head and held him down while the latter covered his ears, trying to block the sound of gun shot ringing all over and he lift up his head in time to watch as Jiyang take out a gun from his back pocket, Xiao Zhan was shaken to the core as he couldn't comprehend what was going on any longer but he kept his head down and his ears covered.

"Can you drive!?" Jiyang yelled towards Zhucheng.

"Of course I can if the situation calls for it!" Zhucheng yelled back.

"Trust me, it calls for it. Let's switch position!"

With one hand in the wheel, Jiyang was up on his feet. Luckily, Zhucheng was so fast enough as he immediately sat behind the wheels, while Jiyang went to the back sit, loudly filling his gun with bullets. Xiao Zhan was horrified as he tried to keep calm and not die from anxiety.

"Y-you ha-have a gu-n?" Xiao zhan stuttered.

Jiyang smirked down at Xiao Zhan. "Trust me, you wouldn't want to know. Get down honey, don't raise your head and drive faster sugar. Let me show those dogs who they are they messing with" He winded down the glass and put his body out and sound of gun shot went through the air like a loud music.

Xiao Zhan shut his eyes, his breathings had picken, his forehead and palms were sweaty. What was going on?, why were they being attacked? was he going to die?, His baby, what was going to happen to his baby?

"Keep calm Xiao Zhan, you are going to be fine" He kept enchanting to himself like a music, restraining himself from having an attack that would trigger a miscarriage.

"Take a different direction towards the condo, Zhucheng!" Jiyang ordered as he came back into the car.

"You have a lot of explaining to do young man"

"Please, spare me the gibberish" Jiyang rolled his eyes as he spined to find the van of his pursuers completely burnt down.

He smirked.


Such a weird chapter.

Jiyang is hot *smirks*

Unfortunately, he is gay and a bottom.

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