07 Busted! / part 01

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A/n: I will split chapter 07 in two parts, as it got too long. The second part will be posted tomorrow!

This chapter will have no images inserted, except the chapter cover and the pic from the end of the chapter.
I will leave it to your imagination, because my readers are :

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I just laid there motionless for long minutes.
But when I heard a rustling indicating that he might be removing the car cover sheet, I panicked.
Was he planning to drive away, just like that?
Was he planning to leave me here to be eaten by who knows what wild animals and die alone in the middle of nowhere?

I forced my bare feet in my boots and grabbed the coat in my way, not wasting any more time searching for my underwear, and rushed outside.

It was a full moon night with a starry sky, therefore I was able to note that Wang Yibo was indeed working at partially removing the car cover sheet.
I decided to take advantage that he was on the other side of the car and didn't notice me yet.

My bare legs were freezing, but the adrenaline was giving me the needed strength.
I crouched and sneaked to the car door...No way I was letting him leave without me!

By a lucky chance, the back seat door was slightly open.
So he didn't hear me when I crawled inside and crumpled myself on the car's floor, pulling the coat over my head.

I stifled a gasp that almost left my mouth when the driver's door opened and a gust of cold wind blew over my bare legs already paralyzed from coldness.
I suppose my brain was not completely frozen, as I reached out and pulled the door closed at the same time when he slammed the driver door shut.

Thank god that the first thing he did was to switch on the heater at its highest.

When the loud music filled the car cabin, I dared to move a bit and tug half from the coat under my frozen knees.
I peaked between the two front seats and noticed that he had the earbuds in his ears.
While he warmed-up the engine, I crawled up and lied on the backseat bench, taking advantage that he could not hear me.

I covered myself as much as I could with the coat, waiting for the car to move off, any moment, while cursing myself for trusting a complete stranger...And even falling for him!
I should have listened to him, when he said he is not that much of a gentleman as I'd think he is, damn!
So what if he is a gentleman, a handsome one on top of that?
Ted Bundy was a handsome dude, but that didn't stop him from killing, cold blooded, more than 100 women, after making them fall in love with him.

I freaked out when I heard him growling my name in a very strange voice, sounding more like a prolonged 'Ahm...ZhanZhaannnn'.
Oh my god, he spotted me and he is mad, what to do now?
What if I am part of a sadistic, psycho serial killer's plan who brought me in this isolated place to kill me, to torture me?
Hmm, but what kind of a torture is that: a mind-boggling blow job?

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