No Wind Beneath Anyone's Wings

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The other important POV in On A Wing and A Swear. No additional plot, just for funsies. 

It's mid-morning, and Mitch's shift is going well. He's currently on Tower West, clearing takeoff and landings on the active runways on this side of the airport. He slides the flight strip for the American 777 that just took off from 36 Right over to his In Flight column, drags the Qantas 787 that's leaving DFW's airspace over to the Departure icon so she's TRACON's problem, and accepts an incoming Lufthansa A340 from Approach into his list for 36 Left.

Then he smiles at the strip that's now at the top of his list for 36 Right. He always likes it when he can be in charge of one of Scott's departures or arrivals. He puts some extra warmth and a smile into his voice as he says "American 909 Heavy, 36 Right, line up and wait."

"36 Right, line up and wait, American 909 Heavy," Scott says, obviously also smiling.

Most people would probably find it a weird way to say goodbye, but it works for them.

Mitch is pretty sure that'll be the last transmission Scott will make himself. He texted earlier to say it would be his take-off, which means his captain will be handling the radio once they're lined up. Mitch will miss hearing him acknowledge the take-off clearance, but he also knows Scott's in his element when he's Pilot Flying, so the thought of him doing what he loves best is almost as warming as his voice.

Mitch double checks the sequence. Scott needs to wait until the incoming Embraer is down to avoid causing wake turbulence for the smaller plane. Then he can take off, with the A340 down next, then the Delta A320 behind Scott can depart.

"Air Canada 7527, wind 330 at 4 knots. 36 Left, cleared to land."

"Cleared to land 36 Left, Air Canada 7527." Oh, nice deep voice there, bud.

"Lufthansa 438 Heavy, slow to 180 knots. Traffic three miles ahead of you. You're number two for 36 Left, cleared to land."

"Slowing to 180, cleared to land 36 Left, Lufthansa 438 Heavy," a German accent confirms.

Mitch should have known everything was progressing too smoothly, because a minute or so later Scott, who Mitch wasn't supposed to hear from again, says, "Hey, Tower? American 909 Heavy. We've got a pedestrian sprinting across the grass out here. He's about to cross 36 Left, coming from the west."

What in the ever loving fuck? "You always know how to brighten my day, American 909." Okay, first priority: wave off the Embraer. "Air Canada 7527, go around."

"Going around, Air Canada 7527."

Good. One imminent problem solved. Mitch eyes the flight strips in front of him. He's got a bit of breathing room. "Supe? We've got a runner on 36 Left!"

Waseem, the shift's supervisor, nods acknowledgement and starts rapidly speaking into his headset.

Vincint, sitting three consoles away working Ground, whips his head around to look at Mitch and then out the window to the west. "You gotta be kidding! How'd he get over the fence?"

Does that matter right now?

"He's crossed 36 Left and is heading for 36 Right," Scott says.

"Thank you," Mitch says. Waseem will get them security, but maybe Mitch will get lucky and they're already listening. "Any ops vehicles on the channel?"

Or not. He switches his second channel to Ground so he can hear what's happening over there.

"Ops 3 and 4," Vincint is saying. "Intruder on 36 Left near Alpha. Switch to Tower West frequency at 134.9."

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