Intro (Please read first)

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(five hundred years before Jungkook was born)

The seven kingdoms for hundreds of years, the kingdoms were an enterprising place for merchants, artisans, sages and warriors. the land was ruled by the elements earth, fire, water, air, sun, moon, mountain and river. Each clan had its own gods and powers, The earth clan could make plants grow faster, the fire clan could control the strength and heat of the fire, the water clan could control the water, the air clan could control the strength of the air whether it was cold or hot, the sun clan had the healing power of light, the moon clan had the protection of the shadows, the mountain clan had the raw strength, the river clan is able to control the strength of the rivers

Although the country was rich and powerful, many disagreements arose between the clans. Disagreements turned into feuds, and feuds turned into war.

A peace agreement was made, but only a few had confidence that the eight clans could rule together again.

The peace lasted only a short time. a sorceress murdered two masters from each clan. Of their souls she created twelve invincible knights: the Guardians. Soon the seven kingdoms were to bow down to her, and she called herself the Queen.

The clans were banned, the borders were closed and the Queen introduced the law. To eradicate disagreement and strife, she decided that there was only room for one deity. The deity of the moon. The eight clans tried to make a showdown but only six of them survived the last two (moon and air) were killed by the guards.

Since then, the Moon's immortal Queen has reigned for nearly five hundred and fifty years. What she did not know was that a child from the Moon clan and a child from the air clan survived ...

(Present time)

Jungkook embarks on a perilous journey to sell an old heirloom, but in the kingdom he comes to, both soldiers and thieves will have their fingers in it. And in the shadows lurks a mysterious person who has his very own plans for Jungkook.


("I plan to write more books then write it as a serie")

Im not good at enligsh so im sorry if theres bad grammar or anything :-(

But I still hope you like my book ... (I first got a litttle inspiration from a book I read for my little sister (A danish book)

All the members will probably not be in this book so they would probably end up in one of the others :) 

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