Authors Notes

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Hello everybody thank you for giving my book a chance. (Btw skipping the prologue is not an option unless you want to be lost for the rest of the book.)

I don't know how many people read the authors notes . . . I know I don't. . . well sometimes but anyway, my point is that I could probably write almost anything in here and no one would know right . . . ? . . . right? Oh? Interesting. . . *writes it in notes*

Well I won't make any promises. (The only thing I feel that is worth mentioning is the stash of Nutella in my room👌It needs lots of attention. Only from me though. 😜)

Aaannyyway, I'm just going to let you know straight away that I'm weird. Like eat nutella out of a bottle and highfive people at Walmart weird. (Which is weird cuz I'm kinda an introvert)

I guess I should introduce myself, Hi, I'm Alissa 👋 Now we can move on :)

Oh, I guess you can introduce yourself too, if you would like. . .
(I have made a special paragraph just for you so you might as well.)

If you guys have any questions about the book feel free to message me or comment and I will gladly answer your questions.

I would say voting and commenting is appreciated but that seems overly used, so. . . I'll just say. . . uhmm. . . .Yep, and then you'll know it means that ;)  And if I made any mess ups or misspells please let me know. Thank you :)

I will be posting weekly so all cliff hangers will undoubtedly drive you insane ;) But it's okay, right? Aren't we all a little insane?

Oh good that's what I thought. 😈

Uhm and bye 👋


©2020 Alissa Aagard. All rights reserved.

This book and all that is contained within the book may no be reproduced or used in any manner without the express permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

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