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She looked at her.

Nobody deserved this.


Not even Maritrash.


Why was she feeling so much pain? Why did she say all those horrible things to her?

She had never felt so sorry.

Chloé Bourgeois quite literally put her rival down. Everybody had seen her. Why was it suddenly so quiet? 

Madness, Chloé thought. I've gone mad. Verbal bullying was one thing, but physically? Emotionally?

She didn't know how to react, didn't know what to do, so she just stared at her enemy. What do I say, what do I say?!?

"Marinette!" came a worried Alya. She looked at Chloé straight in the face. "How dare you?!?" Alya spat at the blonde.

What do I say, what do I say?!?

"That Maritrash deserved it anyways," Chloé simply flipped her hair. "Sabrina! Let's go leave these losers to cry. Boohoo."

"Oh-OK Chloé," Sabrina replied.

Alya grabbed Chloé's arm. "I'm not letting you go until you say sorry."

Déjà vu.

It felt so intense. So much of it. When had she been through this before?

Sunflower Smile - The Untold Story of Chloé BourgeoisWhere stories live. Discover now