Chapter 1

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Anna POV

"(Y-Y/N) YOU PUT THAT DOWN! NO (Y/N) YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" I said as (y/n) ran around, "Having a hard time parenting?" Jean asked, "Yeah. He's been here for nearly a month now and he's gotten pretty used to most of yall but he still resorts to his...animalistic tendencies." I said, "Maybe you just need some time to yourself. It can't be easy going from being single to a single mother." she said, "It really isn't, don't get me wrong I love (y/n), but he's so hyper all the time." I said, "Then let me watch him. He's like Logan, right? Well, my psionic powers should be able to keep him in control." she said, "You might be right, but what am I gonna do aside from worry myself sick wondering if my son blew up the mansion." I said, "Go get a massage. You've made progress in controlling your powers so why not continue practicing." she said, "Yes I've made progress, but only when (y/n) is nearby." I said, "Well this should be a good test for you. Plus I really wanna spend time with little (y/n)." she said, "Fine. You win I'll go have a me day." I said.

"(y/n) sweetheart. Momma's gonna go to the spa. So you're gonna spend the day with Auntie Jean. Be on your best behavior while I'm gone." I said, "Otay." he said, "Love ya." I said as I kissed his cheek.

(y/n) POV

"Bye sweetheart." Mama said as she left, "Mama." I said as I tried to follow her, "Oh no you don't. You're mine for the day." Auntie Jean said as she picked me up with her psionic powers, "Want Mama." I said, "It'll be ok sweetie. What do you say we go have a little fun?" she said, "You'll even get to use your powers if you want." she said, "Otay." I said, "Come on I'll help you get changed." she said.

"Sorry for the wait honey." Auntie Jean said as she walked into the Danger Room.

" Auntie Jean said as she walked into the Danger Room

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"Pretty." I said as I ran to her, "Thank you sweetie." she said, "Activate simulation, Playtime." she said, suddenly the room transformed into a park, "We made this simulation for kids like you. Since it's too dangerous for you to go out very often we have this. Here you can play and use your powers, the goal is to play without using your powers. Now since this is your first time take it easy and have fun." she said.

Jean POV

I watched (y/n) play, but for some reason, something felt wrong. "(y/n), I think it's time for us to take a break." I said, suddenly (y/n) started sniffing before he got on all fours and growled as he dug his hands into the dirt, suddenly he lunged into the nearby woods as his nails grew into claws, seconds later he tackled a robot out in the open. He began to savagely rip it apart, "This isn't right!" I said in shock as (y/n) roared before jumping onto the next robot, suddenly a bone claw shot from his knuckle into the robot's head, "He really is like Logan." I said as I watched (y/n) savagely tear robot after robot to pieces and once there were no more robots to dismember he peed on the remnants. "Well, now that's just rude." I said, "Ok sweetie, that's enough." I said as I tried to pick him up, but before I could he looked up at the control room despite it being cloaked and pointed at it, "Is someone up there?" I asked he nodded as his claws retracted.

Anna POV

"Ah, today was great!" I said as I walked into the mansion, "Come on guys it was a joke!" Kurt said as he dangled from the ceiling, "I think another hour like that should be a fitting punishment." Jean said as she played with (y/n) on the floor, suddenly (y/n) started sniffing, "MAMA!" he said before he ran towards me and jumped into my arms, "I take it you missed me." I said with a slight laugh, "Yeah!" he said happily.

The Future of Mutants (male child reader X adoptive mother Anna Marie)Where stories live. Discover now