He saw Sang? Is this real? Should I really hope this is her? I pushed myself to catch up with him, not knowing what to think on this. But I had to trust Luke, even if there was a possibility.

His arms shook when he grabbed the railing, I looked up and heard some voices talking and laughing. Could this really be it? I gave Luke a small nudge for support. If it isn't her, then... We'll still have time to search.

Please let it be her.



I woke up with a small fright. I got up and looked around the RV, my babies were still asleep. I checked the time and it was about 10 minutes until my alarm would have gone off. I laid back down and thought the dream I just had.

"We want you back Sang. Please let us come back."

"No mommy! Stay with us! Don't leave us!"

I was caught in between my family, and the men I still love. Why can't I move? I looked around and found myself chained to a chair again. No, no. This already happened. I looked up again not seeing anyone in sight. A dark figure stood in the distance looking out a window.

I looked around again for something to get me out of here I need to get back to my kids!! When I looked down at my feet the ground was gone. 

What did the dream mean? I remember looking down, the floor wasn't there. I saw a city from above, like I was flying over it. What city was it though? Is my mind trying to tell me something?

I don't like the feeling I have right, and I'm never going to ignore what my gut tells me. Who is this shadow man? Or woman? I shook my head and got up to get ready. We needed to leave and I needed to make sure my kids were safe.

I'm going to search for Volto once we get back, I'm not taking any chances with him messing with me. This has to end, it had to end 7 years ago. This is what I prepared my kids for, I only wish they had more time. What do I do? Where do start?

Last night at the meetings, I overheard Uncle talking about most of the members leaving this morning for flights. I know we're one of them. Some flights will be leaving on time by afternoon, which will give the council to assess the new recruits.

I wanted to go back to sleep. Grrrr.

"Kids....kids wake up now!! Time to get up and get ready!!" I called out from the bathroom. I heard groaning and mumbling. I chuckled.

"C' mon my minions, we can't miss our flight." I was a bit mad yesterday evening when I got a call from our pilot. Our private plane was having slight mechanical issues and didn't want us to fly out with it. So I had to call in a favor with a team who had a slightly larger private plane to take us back.

They wanted to leave early before the other flights. So we should be up in the by 9am the earliest. We need to leave now and get sorted out, the airport is going to get packed. Especially with the new year.

"Let's go muchkins!! Breakfast will be waiting on the plane for us." I yelled out again. Once I was done I started to make sure our things were all packed. We donated the sleeping bags and some clothes to the children.

A knock came to the door and Kade opened it. Uncle came in wide awake. I hate him. "Morning kids! How did everyone sleep?" He asked and got a round of tired mumbles. He chuckled.

"We are ok, just about done getting ready. Did you need anything else before we leave?" I asked really hoping he didn't.

"No sweat heart. We're fine, don't want you guys to miss your new flight. But the decisions we made last night are final, well just be telling the new members and everyone will be heading home." He said helping Shiloh fold some of his clothes.

I nodded and told him the things outside can be donated. Along with the extra snacks we have. Another knock came to the door and Uncle went to answer it. I heard Trent's voice come through. He was our driver for this RV because I was too chicken to drive it myself. The thing was huge and seemed like it would tip over when turning too far over.

At lease we didn't have to put away tents, the kids didn't want to sleep outside. They do that enough at home in our back yard. Plus they wanted to keep themselves hidden as much as they could. I shook my head, crazy kids should just be kids.

"Morning Trent. Thank you for driving us again." I said, putting on a long black wig and sun glasses.

"Good morning Ghosts. Your welcome by the way, and no need really. I enjoy your families company. We all set for the airport?"

"Yes we are. Is everything unhooked? Water, propane, extra battery?" I was glad this campsite had these for the RVs, it made things slot easier.

"Yup, just got done. I'll return it back to the company. Don't worry about anything, we got it covered." He said. He's too sweet.

"Okay thanks. Uncle please add 2 favors over to Trent from my account." I said. The kids were getting situated in thier seats, clearly ready.

"Okay sweetheart. We shall talk to you soon, call when you guys get home safely. Be good kids, and I'll miss you. I'll try to make some time this summer to visit okay?" He gave each the kids a hug  them me.

Trent already had the RV warming up when uncle said his good byes. I sat down between Rydian and Kade who were getting taller by the minute. We got to the airport right on time, Trent help us with a trolley and we made our way through the large crowds. We had to take a different exit that lead us to the plane.

Once I made sure our stuff was boarded, the kids climbed the steps into the plane. I was last in line when the pilots came forth and introduce themselves. They knew of me and we're good friends of my own pilot.

We talked a bit before we all got on, I just wanted to make sure the plane was in good condition to fly and how long it'll take to get home. I was met with nice results.

My freaking wig was bugging me some how, I needed to itch it. I told them to go ahead and get in. They saw me struggling, I just decided to take it off right there. No body would notice, probably too busy focusing on thier own flights. I climb the stairs wanting to go back to sleep.

Once on board I looked around and the kids were all happy for the extra room we had. This plane could hold maybe 15 people max, they had seats in pairs on either side of the aisle. Further back had a small living room area, and the back looked like a small room with along with a small restroom too.

Maybe we should buy this plane from them? I kids buckled up and started talking with each other. I saw a tiny kitchen area with mini fridge, a 36 inch tv was in the living room area too. I doubled checked the fridge, it had our breakfast in it.

I had breakfast from McDonalds ordered. I found assortment of snacks and extras drinks in the cabinets. Just as I was about to turn and take my seat, I felt someone come aboard.

I quickly took my concealed gun out turned in the direction of the open door and pointed it right in their face. I needed to protect my babies.

My breath caught, my heart stopped and I didn't know what to feel or do when I was met with chocolate eyes. When I glanced to person behind him, I was met with bright blue eyes that reminded me of a clear blue sky,...a perfect day for sunshine.

Luke and Corey.

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