Surprises and Laziness

Start from the beginning

"Good morning. I just wanted to say hello," what a great time to say hello. At five thirty in the morning. But he continued talking without stopping. "I know this might sound very spontaneous, but I called my son yesterday. You might know him, he said he's your friend. Russia."

"Yes, he's my friend." I pulled a blanket over myself and stepped out onto the cold balcony, since I heard Finland mutter in his sleep. I went over to sit in a chair and tucked my ice cold feet under me. "My best friend, actually."

"Very nice," I could hear the squawking of the rooster in the background. He must be heading off to work soon. "Well, since you two are friends and you know that the Winter Recess is coming shortly, Britain told me, wouldn't it be nice if you came here? To our home? I know you have never met my other children, but wouldn't it be a good time to do that? After all, you know Russia already. It wouldn't be very fatherly of me to leave you on UK's island or in your old apartment complex. What do you think?"

"That's great!" I exclaimed after a long period of silence and shuffling from his side.

"Wonderful. You can travel with Russia and I'll pick you two up from the train station." I heard a door slam and the starting of the motor on his car. "Well, I have to go now. Have a good day and week. I'll see you soon."

"Bye papa," I said.

"Bye Germany," he ended the call. Wow. I couldn't go back to sleep. Not after news like this. I guess Japan does have seer abilities. I stayed outside till Finland woke up and saw me outside, wrapped in a blanket. I came inside and Finland went for his morning 'run', which was actually a long distance walk. I went into our semi dark kitchenette and made some tea. Even though you couldn't drink from the tap, you could boil it and it would become harmless...relatively. I made a nice tea and figured I should rummage in the cabinets to find something to eat. Every choice was not very appealing or appetizing, but still. I didn't want to go outside, since I sat out there for a half an hour. Finland wouldn't mind. He liked to share anyway and he said so himself. When I ate the cold and mushy oatmeal with a feeling of must. What was day was today? Oh, yes. The last day of class before the hectic half week that you can't count as productive. I put on a clean light blue dress shirt, scooped up my books for the day and left quickly. I only realised when I came out of the gates that I might be too early. I shrugged the thought off as soon as it came. Why would I be? And teachers like early students. I had English today. It felt like I was always in this class. It wasn't bad. I liked English. When I came in, I heard Mr. UK talking with a student.

"Oh hello Germany," he greeted me when he creaky door gave away my presence.

"Hi," I waved. I breathed out in relief on the inside. It was Russia, and he smiled when I came in. I guessed that he got over what was bothering him. I sat down next to him and even though only I came in, the professor and Russia did not engage further into their conversation. Instead, Mr. UK went back to writing on his blackboard and tracing in his teacher's book, and Russia turned to me with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hi Germany! Aren't you excited about the break?"


"I'm finally going to see my father again. I missed him so much."

"Uh huh."

"Where are you staying?" He asked. "Here? Or..."

"Actually...well your dad called me this five thirty."

"He did?"

"Yes, and he said that I'm going to go with you." Here we go, his mood is going to switch rapidly.

I was wrong, and he nodded, his face still bright with happiness. "Really! That's great!"

"Yes, it is."

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