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I felt like my feet would give in at some point during our trip back to the dormitories. I walked, or in this case leaned on Russia, as we made our way down the spiralling walkways. The lanterns have started to dim, meaning that it was almost nine at night. Jetlag finally caught up to me, and didn't come very nicely.

"Germany," Russia whispered.

"What?" I groaned.

"You're going to have to walk to your dormitory by yourself." He smiled.

"No...." I shifted more weight on him. I heard him sigh and shake his head.

"We're in different colleges, remember?" He pet my head. "This is where the crossroad is." I slowly stood up and took my bag from his hand.

"Alright, bye then." I waved.

"Have a good night." He said and left. I didn't turn to my road till he disappeared around the corner. Now getting back to my own dorm...that's going to be a bit of a problem. I had problems as soon as my card key didn't work when I slid it into the gate slot. After three tries, I was able to get up the stairs and to my floor. Going to bed was a little hard. I had to fiddle with my key for about a minute and then my door wouldn't open until I rammed my shoulder into it. The room felt cold and not very welcoming, but I couldn't care less at the moment. Putting my things in a random corner, I went into the bathroom, hissing at the bright lights. I almost drowned in the sink while washing my face and without further thought, I lapsed into unconsciousness as soon as I touched the pillow.


I awoke at five thirty next morning, fresh and ready for the day. Usually I slept late and worked late, but today I felt all the tendrils of sleep leave me. I didn't close the windows last night and I could see the rare blue sky shining outside. Behind the balcony glass, birds twittered, people talked and cars honked. Today was the last day of the break and most of the students would be coming back. I made my way to the balcony and looked out on the campus. Some professors were already there, and I recognised some faces below. The air was still biting and cold, but the sun warmed the earth up so much that it felt comfortable. I rummaged around the kitchenette to find a low sugar oatmeal packet with dried blueberries. The oatmeal was old and there was no sugar or blueberries in it. I ate the mealy breakfast without much gusto, but it wasn't going to be a deterrence. I left the dish in the sink and walked out of my dorm room with a light jacket on, and down the steps, only realising what I was doing when my hands were on the slim bars of our college gate. Where was I going? At the same moment, America passed by, carrying a coffee with him.

"Hi America," I said. He turned around in surprise and smiled.

"Hey! What's going on?" He came over. "You're up early."

"Jetlag," I explained curtly.

He nodded in understanding. "I see. Where's Russ? Oh, he's in a different college, right?"


"Is he in....Willow? No....Redwood? Ah, I forgot."

"Pine. He's in Pine College."

"Oh, cool. Are you going that way? Maybe I should come too."

"I actually haven't thought of where I was going...till now." I admitted sheepishly, pushing against the bars to open the gates. The weather was warm enough for me to be comfortable in my wind breaker jacket. We walked down to Pine College in silence, not counting America's singing to his music from his earphones. When we got to the gate, he facepalmed.

"We can't get in, we don't have a key card." He paced around in a circle for a bit. "Do you have your phone?" I shook my head. "Rule number one, always have your phone. Rule number two, know that addict America always has his phone." He smiled and dialed up Russia's mobile number and placed it on speaker.

Trust is Dangerous- Russia x GermanyWhere stories live. Discover now