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"What happened?" Daphne asked when I laid down next to her on her bed. "He said I should get to know Draco and that everything else was real, I told him I'm not getting between them and he said it's too late neither of them will give up now" I sighed turning to face her.

She smiled sweetly laying her hand on my shoulder "It's not your fault Ori them two are just.. nothing could come between them they've been through too much together, trust me".

"Thanks Daph, they'll have to accept me as a friend" I huffed, already missing the mind blowing sex with Theo. I wonder if Draco is as good, nope do not go there.

She laughed and shook her head "Good luck with that you really don't know them two".

That Friday I left the last lesson of the day laughing as Pansy went off on one of her rants, I'd successfully managed to avoid Theo and Draco since Tuesday only being in classes with them and having to concentrate with their gazes burning onto my skin.

There is another party in the common room tonight, someone's birthday I lost my concentration after the word party. I'd miss Theo tonight that was certain, especially after a drink. I cursed under my breathe when I realised I hadn't gotten the book I needed for Herbology "Pans I'm going to the library I won't be long have my drink ready" I smiled at her taking off in the opposite direction.

My fingers trailed the spines of the books scanning closely for the one I needed, this library creeps me out being on my own in the dark narrow aisles. I jumped out of my skin when someone entered the aisle at the other end, my pulse picking up when I noticed the blonde hair.

"Fuck sake" I muttered under my breath, he sauntered towards me hand in his pocket standing so close behind I could smell his expensive aftershave. He reached up taking a book from a high shelf pressing into my back, my chest heaved my eyes screwed closed tightly. I could feel his breath on the side of my neck, I turned my head to the side to look at him and I heard as his breath hitched.

He handed me the book knowing it was the one I was looking for "Thank you" I whispered to avoid my voice squeaking with nerves. He ran his fingers across my clavicle exposed when I removed my tie and undone the top buttons after class. "Are you going to keep avoiding me Orion?" he asked his voice low and husky.

I turned around to face him my back pressed against the shelves tilting my head to look at him confidently, I won't allow them to think they intimidate me "I'm not avoiding you Draco, I've had no need to see you" I drawled.

He smiled and licked his lips, why the fuck does he always have to lick his lips like that. I pressed my thighs together to try abate the throbbing between my legs. He noticed and parted his lips as he leant into me "You drive me fucking crazy do you know that?" he ducked his head to whisper in my ear. I turned my face to press our cheeks together doing everything in my power not to arch my back in to him, I'm so aroused it's painful.

His lips ghosted over my ear "You are coming to pre drinks with us aren't you?".

"Yes" I whispered breathlessly, his hands feathered lightly over my hip "Good it's truth or dare night".

Deep joy, I sighed internally. I palmed both of my hands against his chest pushing him away gently "See you in a little while then" I smirked ducking under his arm, looking over my shoulder he still stood one hand braced against the bookshelves his eyes following me walking away.


I chucked my bag across the room when I stormed in "Bloody hell you scared me you knob what's wrong?" Pansy shrieked turning from her dressing table.

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