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Pans/ Daph,

Sorry you missed coming over this summer, father insisted we travel together just the three of us one last time.

I'm coming back to Hogwarts, I can't believe it's really been three years since I've been back. Like I've always said Illvermony hasn't got shit on Hogwarts, I miss the power of Slytherin superiority ha.

Adrian is not impressed but who's surprised?Overprotective fuckwit, I've been strictly forbidden to strike up any romances.
So girls on that note tell me what are the boys like now?

I can't wait to see you both it's been a year too long. Save me a seat?

Love you long time, Orion x


"You are not wearing that, go and change for fucks sake Ori" Adrian scoffed as I came down the stairs trunk in tow. I tucked my wand in to the back pocket of my leather trousers and narrowed my eyes at him. I looked down at my white corset style bodysuit, it's not even that revealing and paired with my stiletto boots I look fucking hot.

"Adrian darling, you are my cousin not my father let's make one thing clear you will not be telling me how to dress. I am nearly eighteen years old, just chill out please" I smiled sweetly straightening out the collar of his shirt.

I love him dearly we have always been exceptionally close growing up he is more like an older brother than a cousin, but Merlins balls he is so overprotective. We wrote to each other at least three times a week for the three years I was away and he came to us every holiday we were off school Summer, Christmas and Easter.

He eyed me nervously chewing on his cheek "If anyone bothers you.. you'll tell me yeah? I know what the boys can be like, especially seventh year boys".

I blew out an amused breathe "You've met me right? I love you dearly but I can handle myself please stop worrying about me" I turned to the mirror behind me swiping my thumb to perfect my lipstick and ran my fingers through my long auburn curls.

He nodded his head adjusting the bag over his shoulder, picked up my trunk and held out his other hand to me "Okay okay, Let's get going then".

The noise of platform 93/4 assaulted my ears as I watched hundreds of children and parents bustling around. The buzz of excited first years eager to get on the train, friends reuniting after a summer apart and anxious parents fussing over their children.

I took Adrian's proffered arm and let him guide me on to the train and towards the Slytherin carriages. I smiled at the intrigued faces of people we passed on the way, like my mother has always told me 'Orion the most beautiful thing a woman can wear is confidence'.

My heart clenched at the memory of my mother, she did not want me to come back to the UK she was inconsolable when I left but my father absolutely insisted. For what reason I'm not quite sure, neither do I care I jumped at the first opportunity to be back with my best friends.

Pansy and Daphne I've known all my life, it was torture being made to move across the world after third year. I didn't speak to my parents for near on six months, I'd begged to stay with Adrian and my auntie and uncle which fell on deaf ears.

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