Date Night (Chp.5)

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Once you both arrive at the movie theatre you get out of the car and start walking towards the building. It's getting colder out so you want to get inside quickly so you don't get too cold. Dabi opens the door for you as you walk towards the counter to get food. You order a big bucket of popcorn, a soda, and a couple different types of candy. You start to pull out your wallet but Dabi stops you. "No it's my treat, let me pay." he says with that famous smirk of his. You look up at him and smile. He ends up paying for you both and you walk into the hallway that you were directed to go to watch the movie.

You both walk in and sit down towards the middle of the theatre. You got there a bit early so you had to sit through a bunch of ads and trailers before the movie actually started. About 15 minutes after getting there the movie started. You both started eating your popcorn. At one point you both reached in the bucket at the same time and your hands touched. (A/N ik it's a cheesy couple thing but I think it's cute 😊) you giggled and he smiles at you. He leaned in for a kiss and at first you were surprised but you gladly gave a kiss back. You then continued watching the movie.

About halfway through the movie it started to get chilly. You know how movie theaters are. Dabi noticed you curled up in your seat and took off his jacket. He wrapped it around you and you looked at him in the eyes. "Thank you." you say. "Of course." he replies. You both smile.

After the movie was over you and Dabi walked back out to the car with his jacket still wrapped around you. Dabi put his arm around your shoulder and gave you a kiss on the head. You started to blush. You get to the car and he opens the door for you again. He walks around to the other side and got in the drivers seat. "This was fun." you told him. "Yeah it was. I had a good time with you tonight y/n." you both smiled. He put his seatbelt on and started driving back home.

Once you arrived back home you walked in and gave Dabi his jacket back. You began to walk back to Toga's room when you felt a hand grab your wrist. You turn around to see Dabi. "I hope we can go out again sometime soon, y/n." he says. You feel your face getting warm and you get flustered. "Yeah me too, it was really fun." you say with a smile. Dabi then pulls you to his chest and gives you a hug. He's never done this to anyone before... he's so sweet to me. He does have a soft spot for me. What does that mean though? I don't care.. he's so warm.. and he smells good too. You thought to yourself. You sink into the hug and hug him back. He pulls away and looks at you in the eyes. "Goodnight y/n." he says. "Goodnight Dabi." you reply with a light smile. He then turns and walks to his room. You stand there for a good minute reflecting on what happened tonight. Eventually you made your way back to Toga's room. You open the door and see her sitting in her bed on her phone. "Oh my gosh! How'd it go?! Tell me all about it!!" she yells. "Shhhh Toga it's late!" you whisper-yell back to her. "Right sorry." You both start to laugh as you climb in bed next to her.

You proceed to tell her everything. Once you finally got done explaining you notice Toga had a huge grin on her face. "Why are you smiling like that?" you ask her as you start to laugh. "What are you talking about! You had an amazing night with Dabi and from what I can tell he had a good time too. He likes you y/n! And judging from how you explained everything in such detail, you like him too!!" she says excitedly. "What! No I don't! Well maybe... but there's no way that he likes me! He doesn't like anyone. You of all people should know that." you say to her. "Yeah well remember what I told you! He has a soft spot for you! It's so obvious y/n." she replies in more of a serious tone. "Tch, whatever." Toga giggles as you get up to turn off the light. You climb back in bed and go to sleep after the long and not to mention amazing day you had.

Meanwhile in Dabi's room. (Dabi POV)

God she's amazing. She's so kind and caring. I've never felt this way about anyone... it's so different and unusual having a person so close to me. But, it feels right. It feels like this was meant to happen. Dabi thinks to himself. He's not sure what to do about all these new emotions. It's so new to him but he liked that. He eventually falls asleep thinking about you.

Okay back to your POV 😁

The next morning you woke up and looked over to see that Toga wasn't there. You sat up in bed to stretch. You heard muffled arguing coming from outside the room. You decide to get up and find out what's going on. You walk out towards the living room and see Toga and Dabi arguing about something. "Hey hey hey! What's all this arguing about??" you say to them. They both turn around to look at you. "Uhh nothing y/n! Don't worry about it." Toga says. "Oh come on! It's gotta be something important." you reply. You gasp in sudden realization and pull Toga towards you by the wrist. "Is this about the whole date with him last night?? Are you harassing him about it?!" you say to her in a serious manner. "What! Noooo! Of course not y/n." she replies. "Tch whatever." you say as you look at Dabi. "Dabi? What were you two arguing about?" you calmly say as you look into his eyes. "Uh..." he starts to say. Out of the corner of your eye you see Toga motioning towards him to not say anything. He doesn't listen. Like the mischievous man he is. He sighs. "Yeah she was talking to me about us. She wanted to know all the details." he says almost sounding disappointed. You look at Toga. "Sorry y/n. I just wanted to know more!" Toga says in response. 

She smirks for some reason. "Besides, you two look so cute together!!" She says excitedly as she pushes you towards Dabi causing you to fall onto him and he catches you. "Toga what the hell!" He says angrily. "It's fine Dabi." you say in a calm voice as you walk to Toga's room grappling her by the hand. You turn around and close the door. "Toga! Why did you do that? You don't need to meddle into my life!" you yell at her. "I'm sorry y/n..." she says with regret written all over her. "I just care about you.. which is new to me but I do! I just wanted to know more. Besides annoying Dabi is a fun hobby of mine." she says with a slight smile on her face. "It's okay I understand.. I can't possibly stay upset at you anyways." you reply. You both smile and start laughing.

You realized you started school again tomorrow and groaned. You walked over to the bed and layed down. The rest of the day was pretty normal, boring as always. Nothing exciting going on. Eventually the bright sky turned dark, and you fell asleep thinking about seeing your friends at school tomorrow.

Word Count: 1317

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