Chapter 5

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!This chapter contains heavy spoilers for chapter 2 of drv3!

When I stepped outside the door, I saw Kokichi walking towards me.
"Kokichi? Why are you here? I'm pretty sure it hasn't been 15 minutes yet..." I frowned. I didn't want to take long to do stuff.
"Don't worry! It's only been 7 minutes. I just came to tell you that Angie and Himiko are about to do a magic show. I don't want you to miss it." He smiled a very cute and smile. Wait, what was I thinking? I was supposed to have moved on by now!
"Okay. I'll come right now."

"Great!" He said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me along the hallway into the gym. When we got there, everyone was staring at Angie, who was in front of big red curtains with a timer and a container with fish on top. I went up to Tenko and asked what was going on.
"Himiko and Angie are doing a magic show," She said. "Himiko just jumped inside that huge fish tank and she's supposed to come out before the timer reaches 0." Tenko looked really worried.
"And what happens if she doesn't?" I asked.
"The container above will automatically open and will drop piranhas into the fish tank she's in. If she doesn't make it in time, the piranhas will eat her alive!" Tenko looked more distressed than ever. The timer had reached 40 seconds and everyone was starting to worry, including me.

30 seconds. Himiko still wasn't out of the fish tank.

20 seconds. Everyone was starting to panic.
"Gonta can't take it anymore!" Right after Gonta shouted that, he ran onto the stage, where he could see everything that was going on in the fish tank.
"Aw, you can't do that. You'll ruin the show!" Angie cried out.
"But if Gonta not do that, Himiko will... huh?"

10 seconds left. Everyone was panicking like crazy. Then, the timer got to 0. The piranhas were released into the tank!
"Huh? Huhhh?" Gonta said. It was probably from shock that the timer ended so soon.
"H-hurry! The curtains! Open the curtains already!" Tenko shouted.
"Got it. I'm opening it right now!" Angie said with lots of enthusiasm. I didn't get how she could be so calm in a situation like this. We expected to see the piranhas in there (and maybe Himiko too), but there was something else in there. Or should I say... someone?

We saw Ryota in the fish tank with handcuffs on him. But before we had any chance to process what was going on, the piranhas all circled around him and ate him. Only his bones were left and they sank to the bottom of the tank. The water that was once clear was now the colour of blood. Himiko walked up to all of us and started speaking when she was cut off.

Ding dong, dong ding

"A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather in the gym!"

"Nyeh? A body? In the gym?" Himiko questioned. When she finally turned around to face the water tank, she saw it. The pile of bones sitting at the bottom of the tank, the piranhas swimming, everything.

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