Chapter 16

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I woke up cuddled next to jaden. I was still really sleepy but I had to do some online school wokr. I have a shoot today too. I went into my room (i was in Jadens) And woke up quin.

N- Quin we have school. i said softly

Q- Fine you can have bathroom first

I knew he was just saying that so he could sleep but i went with it. I got in the shower and started to wash my hair. I was about to shave  when i stopped. 


I took the razor and slowly made a cut against my thigh. I made 5 cuts. I thought about how I was a baby for passing out and having all these panic attacks.


I finished in the shower and got ready. I put on a light amount of make up. I also put my hair straight and brushed it out, lastly i went into my closet and got out a comfy outfit.

 I also put my hair straight and brushed it out, lastly i went into my closet and got out a comfy outfit

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I went back into the room and went on my phone while Quinton got ready. We had to do online assignments and Quin always had to help me bacuse i suck. Jaden is older then both of us so the boys let him not do school. Not fair but anywaysss. I decided to post a tik tok because i have 500k. Mostly cause of the boys but. Who cares.



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Quinton came downstairs and we made smoothies together. It was about 6:00 Am so we had to be quiet. I got a banana and frozen strawberry's while he got some yogurt. I blended it on low so it wasn't loud. We put them in mason jars because were aEsThEtIC. 

                I went  upstairs and got both of us our mac books and we sat at the counter and did school. Quinton has been like the brother i never had, its been really nice. He helped ,e with my matg. We try to be fast with our work so that we can have fun in the afternoon. Most of the boys were hung over... again they let Jaden drink too but me and quinton cant. I dont mind it because im like a 12 year old. Quinton gets a little upset about it. We finished our school around 8:00. They boys wake up around 11:00 normally but Griffen has work today so went to wake him up. I ran upstairs and belly flopped onto his bed.

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