Chapter 8: New Steps

Start from the beginning

— "Call who? Our parents will freak. Our boyfriends will want to run here and we know they can't. What should we do?" — Pri expressed.

— "I don't know, maybe Emma and Lindsey." — Olivia proposed.

— "Let's see if we can figure this out and then maybe we tell someone." — her friend answered.

— "Fine, let's do it your way. But I don't think it's right." — Liv mentioned and stood up.

Later that day, they called the police to inform about the robbery. The night was very long because neither could sleep. They kept having nightmares about the robbery, or a new one, or when they passed out and things like that.

On Thursday, they told Emma and Lindsey what happened. Both offered them to stay in their houses, but Priyanka and Olivia refused. They wanted to get back on their feet on their own.

During the week, they tried to talk to Madison and see how she was doing. But the siblings never answered their door.

(Sunday, July 6)

The girls were eating breakfast to have a productive day of doing nothing. Priyanka was going through her phone and found a very strange video on her gallery.

— "Hey, Liv, look at this." — she told her friend.

They got close and watched the video. It was from Madison in a black outfit. It looked like it was recorded in their bathroom. The young lady had guilt in her eyes.

— "I don't know where I will be when you see this, but I had to tell you. I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't want to, I promise. Well, at first I did. Everything was part of it. He was part of it. But then things changed; you all changed me. Sadly, it was too late for me. I'm sorry." — Madison started crying. — "Tell Harry that I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to be. But this is not me. My truest self was when I was around him. This is what my family turned me into. I wanted to thank him for giving me in a week the family I never had. Please tell him that I... I really liked him. I'm sorry to all of you. I'll live with the regret the rest of my life." — she finished off.

Olivia's and Priyanka's jaws dropped. They couldn't believe what they just saw.

— "Is this for real? Did you see that too?" — Liv questioned incredulous.

— "We were robbed by Madison and her brother." — Pri affirmed.

— "That explains why they never answered the door. They ran away." — Olivia shared.

— "I can't believe this." — her friend commented.

— "How did we not realize?" — Liv wondered.

Their thinking got interrupted by the ring bell and both jumped with a small scream. The two quickly checked their app and almost ran to the door after.

— "Surprise!" — their visitors exclaimed.

The girls didn't give them a second and jumped to hug them. They didn't want to let go, but did after like a minute.

— "We're so happy to see you." — Pri expressed.

— "Boyfriends to the rescue." — Tom joked.

— "Woah!" — both guys exclaimed looking around.

— "What are you guys doing here?" — Olivia asked happy, but confused.

— "Harrison told us what happened." — Nick answered.

— "And how did he know?" — both girls asked. "Emma!" — they responded to themselves.

— "I see you haven't slept well." — Tom mentioned.

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