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Tessa's POV

"Hardin!" I yell from across the field, "You got it?"

I watch as he struggles to hold the large bouquet of purple flowers, refusing to let anyone help him.

Zed attempts to grab them, but Hardin quickly rips them away. "No, thank you," he says sternly, holding them tightly to his chest.

I laugh as Zed merely rolls his eyes, smiling when Hardin finally gets his footing on the uneven ground.

"Hardin never wants help," the small voice next to me says.

"That's the truth," I huff out, smiling down at the little girl with bouncing, dark brown curls – exactly like her daddy's. "Come on Hanya, they'll catch up," I say grabbing her hand and walking down the sloped grass.

"Can we get some chips after seeing Uncle Hardin? I'm a little bit hungry I think," she says matter-of-factly, swinging her arm with mine as she hops along.

"Yes baby, we can get some snacks after," I laugh, looking back to see a determined 3-year-old boy walking as fast as his little legs will take him, still clutching the bouquet of flowers almost as tall as him.

"Wonderful. Can we get some juice too? And not the purple kind. The blue kind. Hardin likes the purple kind, but I like the blue kind," she smiles, watching her feet as she walks.

"Who has been giving you purple and blue juice, Hanya?" I ask, stopping our walk as she looks up at me with a big grin.

"Daddy does! But he says it's a secret – whatever that is," she says innocently, before we begin walking.

"Oh really?" I question lightly, shaking my head as I glance back at Zed, whose eyes are fixed on our son. "Sure, we can get some blue juice – but just this once!"

"Okay, mommy. Thank you so, so much," she says, smiling up at me then doing a happy little twirl, her pink dress flaring out at the sides. It is no wonder Zed gives into her – who could resist.

"Here we are," I announce, as Hanya lets go of my hand.

Running up to the familiar gray stone, she gives it a quick hug, and says, "Hello Uncle Hardin. I hope you are doing good today up in Heaven. I am doing good here in Washington. That's where teacher says I live. And guess what, after this, we get to have blue juice!"

I can't help the way my eyes well with tears when I watch her talk to him. She is everything I dreamed of and more. Her daddy's little clone, and her mom's shadow. She follows me around everywhere – and I love every second.

"Hey Uncle Hardin guess what," she says to the gravestone, gently touching the carved out face she's come to know as Uncle Hardin, "You know how my brother and you have the same name? And my mom's friend in heaven and me have the same name? Well guess what! They both start with a capital H!" She is giddy with excitement as her tiny finger traces the H on Hardin's tombstone. "And you have an H, too! Too bad Mommy and Daddy don't have an H," she giggles looking back at me.

"What's wrong Mommy why are you sad?" she asks, her face falling as she turns to face me.

"I'm not sad, sweetie," I say softly, wiping the tear from my eye.

"Mommy is sad?" another small voice says behind me.

Turning I see my little clone. Blonde hair, blue eyes, only slightly tanner – thanks to his dad – running up to hug my legs. "I'm not sad. I'm happy. Happy we are seeing Uncle Hardin today," I say.

"Hi, Uncle Hardin," he says to the stone, walking up and placing the flowers on the ground. "I brought you some flowers. Purple! My favorite color," he sings, pointing to the petals as he speaks.

AFTER YOU SAVED ME // ZESSATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon