A very bad feeling about something

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The strong grip on Cale's hand had not loosened up no matter how long they walked.

Whenever Cale tripped on a small pebble, that hand would always be there to pull him into Choi Han's chest.

A woman accidentally bumped into Cale while holding a bucket of fruits, and he quickly helped Cale steady himself before he picked up the fallen fruits for the woman whilst he still had Cale's hand in his.

A stray dog even tried to bite Choi Han, yet all he did was use his Aura to scare it off, all the while not using his hand of course.

Does he want to keep holding my hand that much? Cale stared at their intertwined hands, the warmth from calloused but gentle hand bringing a smile to his face. This scarily strong punk can be very cute sometimes. As Cale was having useless thoughts, he and Choi Han heard a certain noise.


Cale saw Choi Han turn to him with a surprised look, before he put up an awkward smile as he scratched his cheek. "Shall we go get some dinner, Cale-nim?" All Cale could do was nod while using his free hand to bring down the hood of the robe and cover his red face from Choi Han.


"Is this place alright, Cale-nim?" Cale looked up at the luxurious steakhouse, the alluring smell of many meats and alcohol wafting to him. He could feel himself salivating. "But, are you sure you want to eat here?"

Cale suspected that Choi Han chose this place because Cale liked eating steak, and that it was his indirect way of apologizing for making him walk so much. Choi Han enthusiastically nodded. "Yes! Steak, is , very, delicious, so, I, wanted, some. Do, you-, ahem, do you like this place?"

Cale had to stop himself from sighing, and instead wrily smiled. "Yes, this place is great." Cale had a satisfied smile on his face as he looked at Choi Han.

He tip toed and gave him a small pat on the head. "Thanks." Cale began walking forward while still holding onto Choi Han's hand. He did not notice Choi Han's shy expression as he lowered his head while touching the place where Cale had just patted him with his free hand.


"Welcome to the Sapphire Steakhouse! Will you two be the only ones joining us this evening?" Cale looked around the elegant place, and nodded as he turned back to the woman. She was smiling and sketching something into her notepad, but for some reason Cale could feel that the woman was confused.

She glanced at Choi Han, who was still holding his head like a little kid behind Cale, as if she recognized him from somewhere but couldn't remember. She shook her head and went back to her professional demeanor.

"I understand, then a table for two will be prepared right away. Would you like to sit on the first or second floor?" Cale replied, "If there's space available, then second floor." The woman nodded, and told them to give her a moment to set the table up.

Cale glanced at her nametag before she turned away from them completely. He raised both of his eyebrows. Choi Han, still embarrassed, asked Cale after feeling his hand loosen in his grip in a small voice. "I-is there something wrong, Cale-nim?" Cale replied in a relaxed manner. "Nothing, just that our server has quite a beautiful name."

Adeline walked toward the stairs as she contemplated in her mind. The robed man and the swordsman seems so familiar, but why can't I remember them? Their voices also ring a bell in my head, but I still can't... She stopped in her tracks when she overheard a conversation.

"... What?! They visited you too, Mason? And they also gave you a bag of money? God must really be generous today, for us to have met the kind gentlemen's!"

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