Can't you come up with a better name?

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Warning: May include slight sexual content

Ding ding

Once Choi Han closed the door, he briskly walked next to Cale who was under a shaded area that was  secluded and whispered. "Cale-nim, are you alright now? Will your legs be-" Choi Han stopped talking. He saw Cale frowning.

"... Cale-nim?" Choi Han looked concerned. He saw that Cale's legs weren't shaking as much as before, but even without using any Aura he could still see a slight quivering of his legs when he walked. Cale seemed fine when he stood still, but it was worrying Choi Han quite a bit.

"It's nothing." Cale looked at Choi Han, a frown still visible on his face. Choi Han slowly spoke. "Is there something that I can do to help, Cale-nim?" Cale nodded. Choi Han became even more worried. What could it be? Should I pick him up again so he won't have to walk? Maybe give him a piggy back ride? Or we could also go ba-

"I don't know where to go next." Hm? Cale ignored the  confused Choi Han. He continued. "Like I said back at the garden, you will be the one choosing where we will be going, but..." Cale looked into his eyes. "You haven't said where you wanted to go next."

Choi Han stared at Cale in disbelief. That was what was making Cale-nim frown? He held back a sigh before smiling helplessly at Cale who had his chin in his hand as if he was thinking hard about something. Cale snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Choi Han's voice.

"Well, mm, I guess we can just walk around to see if anything is interesting? I don't necessarily have a location in mind, since I myself don't know much about the details of Rain city." Cale understood what Choi Han meant.

Though he was now a citizen of the Roan Kingdom, Choi Han was originally from the Forest of Darkness. And ever since he became a part of Cale's group, he never had much time exploring the city as he was always either traveling or practicing and refining his swordsmanship.

"Sure. Let's do that." Cale finally smiled and lowered his hand. He began to walk out of the shade with a relaxed expression but suddenly stopped. Choi Han was about to follow Cale but also had to stop in his tracks. "Cale-nim?"

Cale turned around to look at Choi Han. His calm smile had turned into one of annoyance. "Before we go, I want you to do something right now." Choi Han's body stiffened along with his face. He nodded for Cale to say what he needed to do.

"Change my alias. I don't want to be called Bob any longer. Can't you come up with a better name?" Cale had a smile on his face, but his eyes were looking at Choi Han as if to say that he was irritated.

"Ah," was all Choi Han could muster to say as he was on the recievibg end of the annoyed glare. "I'll make sure to do that." Choi Han said in a sheepish voice and  awkwardly smiled.


In the busy streets of Rain city, two figures slowly waded through the crowd. The robed person began to complain in his mind.

Aigoo, my poor life.

Cale was walking into people everywhere he went, he kept getting his foot stepped on, he was sweating so much that he felt drenched under the robe, and sometimes he would feel as if he made eye contact with a person and would have to quickly blend in with the crowd so as to not get found out.

He would've sighed and went back to the Henituse castle already if it wasn't for a certain someone who, unlike him, was looking around excitedly.

"Naru-nim, don't these items look cool? Like this belt here, it says that there is a thin blade within the leather and that if mana were to be infused into it, the blade would harden and become a sword instantly. It also seems to be quite durable as well!"

Choi Han's eyes were dazzling under the sun and was complimenting the 2 in 1 sword and belt item so much that even the seller's face was getting pink. Cale could see a small amount of black smoke rising front the thin sword that Choi Han had pulled out from the belt. I guess Aura can substitute for mana, huh.

Cale looked at the sword and spoke to Choi Han. "Do you want it?" Choi Han shook his head, but his eyes were still sparkling. "I was just admiring the craftsmanship and the idea behind this product that interested me, Naru-nim."

Choi Han placed the sword back into the belt and rolled it up before putting it back on the table. Cale heard a quiet voice. "And even if I used it, the sword would definitely break after one or two swings." ...So vicious. Cale couldn't help but shudder under his robe.

They looked around some more and something caught Cale's eyes. His face burned up. What the hell? He saw a set of handcuffs and a pile of black ropes that seems to be made of rubber on the table. He looked around and began to notice more odd... objects around the table.

Cale could see a pink microphone looking thing on the table with a switch on it. He also saw a plastic bag that had a metal rod so small it resembled a toothpick, and a pair of gloves inside. He even noticed a box that looked to contain condoms.

I-isn't this supposed to be a magic item shop? Cale raised his head to see if Choi Han had seen any of those thngs yet. ...Looks like he still hasn't seen them. Choi Han still had his innocent yet excited smile on his face, and Cale couldn't see a blush.

If Choi Han saw those things, his face would've immediately turned red. Cale was relieved and pulled on Choi Han's sleeves. Choi Han looked down to see Cale standing right next to him as the crowd was getting denser, and could feel his hand pulling on his sleeves. "Could we go look somewhere else? I'm getting uncomfortable with all these people here."Choi Han nodded his head and began to walk.

Or at least, he tried to. When he was about to walk away fron the shop, he saw something poking through Cale's robe. He became flustered and stopped in the middle as he was taking a step. Cale walked into Choi Han and...

Choi Han's hand felt like he touched something from behind. "Mn!" He heard a muffled voice behind him. "N-Naru-nim?" Choi Han pulled back his hand and turned around to see Cale with his head down and his hands covering a certain area. Choi Han could also see a blush taking over Cale's whole face under the robe. His expression seemed embarrassed.

"W-what did you stop for? Keep walking." Cale couldn't look at Choi Han in the eyes. When he didn't hear a response, Cale looked up to see Choi Han covering half his face with his hand as his eyes looked up to the sky. His entire face was tinted pink.

"Hey, what are you staring at the sky for?" Choi Han looked down at Cale who now had an annoyed expression, though he could still see the embarrassment in his red face. "I-I'm sorry, I'll start walking now." Choi Han looked forward and quickly began to walk again, his pants feeling tighter with every step he took.

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