Chapter 5 | Chaotic Random Shit

Start from the beginning

Once we got inside of the mall we chose to go to the arcade first because we don't wanna shop.

"We should go to the claw machine. I mean I wanna get a baby girl if you know what I mean." I said with a stupid smirk on my face. Yes, my humor was dark humor mixed with dirty humor. But what can I do? It's literally the most funny thing ever.

"Ohohoh. Baby girl y/n?! I don't see why not."

We went to the claw machine, failed, and walked over to those jurassic park ride games.

"Damn, this bitch is bigger then the other one."

"THATS WHAT SHE SAID!" We heard someone who sounded familiar say.

We turned our heads just to find a smiling Connie, a girl with potato chips in her hand also known as Sasha, and then a stupid horse who was smiling so fricken stupidly.

"Hey guys! Didn't think we'd see you here."

"Me neither, y/n." Said Connie.

"Anyways, we were just about to head out, so you guys have fun!"

"Yep we shall do. Bye bbg's."

"BABY GIRL, DADDY'S HOME!" Then they left.

After playing a few more games with Hanji, we left the arcade and decided to go to hot topic to pick out anime shirts. I of course chose an Attack on Titan shirts and stuff like that. One thing that caught my eye was a Yuri on Ice shirt that had Victor, Yuri, and Yurio on it. I got excited since i've been looking for this one. Of course, when I wanted to grab it, I sort of hoped Annie would be there and it would be a normal fanfic love story shoujo romance. That obviously didn't happen. Anyways, I saw some death note merch, I bought like 2 things from there. One was just a death note shirt and the other was a yuri on ice shirt. Yes, lots of shirts. After that, we talked and walked around the mall and stuff.

TIME SKIP brought to you by Eren being chained up:

Once Hanji dropped me back at the apartment complex, I walked into my apartment expecting Petra to be home or something, but no she wasn't. Actually, she was. She was packing boxes? The hell?

"Umm Petra, what are you doing?"

"Oh y/n! Perfect timing. My friend Hitch, you probably heard of her, is gonna be my new roommate! So basically i'm moving to her room! Her roommate is moving to ours."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've helped you!"

"Oh my bad haha."

I helped Petra pack up her last box, until I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Annie standing there.

"Oh hi Annie! What do you need?"

"Oh umm, i'm your new roommate."

SHE'S MY WHAT? Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. I look like trash right now oh my lord.

"Oh really! That's nice. Come in."


She ending up coming in with only 4 boxes of stuff, 3 holding decor and one holding i'm guessing personal items. She brought a carry on bag and a large bag which are most likely filled with clothes. She seemed pretty minimalistic so she didn't have much.

"Well then, your room is over there. Make yourself at home. I'm glad I get to share a apartment with you!"

"Same here, y/n."

I was pretty glad it was with her since she was kinda like me. She seemed more quiet but thinking about her herself, she most likely is more loud when she is with her friends. I hope i'm considered at least a friend. I want to get close to her, even if that involves being friend-zoned. Of course, being friend-zoned was the worse possible thing and hurt like crazy, but I just wanted to be around her, or feel special in a way.

I saw Annie walk off to her room and I decided to not be a freak and sit on the couch, Just doing my thing.

I didn't know where to end it off so yeah haha. Anyways thank you for taking the time and reading this. I hope I can update tomorrow! Anyways, good bye for now, and poundtown forever bro.

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