Chapter 4: Do I Even Love Her?

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Again, sorry if this sucks. I'm trying my hardest to write a story lol. Umm yeah hope you enjoy!

Your POV:

I woke up and saw Annie on the other side of the couch. I was confused at first until I   remembered what happened last night. I smiled at the memory and quickly got up from the couch and into the bathroom. I was brushing my teeth till I heard Annie speak.

"Are you in here y/n?"

"Yeah I am."

"Okay, just wondering."

After that I heard her footsteps become fainter and fainter. I smiled and continued to brush my teeth.

"Hmm I wonder how I could have a huge crush on a celebrity and then end up becoming friends with her." I thought to myself.

I realized might've been spacing out for to long because I hear Annie say, "y/n, are you done.?"

"Oh yeah haha I was just spacing out sorry." I then washed my face one last time and walked out.

"Sorry about that, Annie."

"It's fine." As soon as she said that she walked into the bathroom and did whatever shit she does.

I was sitting in the couch playing games on my phone until I heard Annie say, "y/n! Do you have a spare toothbrush I forgot to bring mine."

I didn't know what to say since I wasn't sure.

"Umm hold on one sec lemme check."

Thankfully, I found a unused one in a bag in my room (I have no idea how it was there) but I didn't really care and just walked to the bathroom.


Annie said thanks before turning her head back to the sink, about to close the door until you realized something.

"Oh uh btw you can use my toothpaste or I can get you a new one if your uncomfortable with it."

"No it's fine i'll use yours. Thank you."

She closed the door and began doing that stuff and I once again, sat on the couch. I was confused since my heart wasn't beating as much as it used to when I saw her on instagram or on my for you page.

'Maybe i'm just getting more comfortable with her? I don't know what's going on i'm not even blushing anymore.'

I honestly had no idea what happened. I had a huge crush on her, and she was in my apartment! I was so happy but then again, it felt like we were just friends, I didn't feel a loving connection with her. Maybe my whole thought of have a "crush" on her just changed after seeing her true self. Of course, I would rather hang out with this Annie then the one on instagram. She was obviously less bratty then I thought, and kept to herself most of the time. She wasn't annoying whatsoever. Even if she seemed to the kind of person to keep to herself (which she is), she would also say anything that's on her mind. She wouldn't be scared to tell someone how annoying they are or something. I of course, was scared of that, since I found myself pretty annoying.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door to the bathroom open.

"Hey so I got a text from my roommate saying that she and her friend are going out and stuff, so I can come back to the apartment. So I guess i'll take my leave-?"

"Oh yeah no problem!" I sat up from the couch and guided her towards the front door. She seemed bored, but then again that could be her normal face.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay the night."

"No problem! You can come anytime." She walked out and waved by to me, which ofc, I waved back. I closed the door and then sat down on the couch once again.

"Damn, that was lit." I said to myself.

I decided I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to cook whatever the hell I wanted to cook. That's when it hit me. I realized, maybe I wasn't really in love with Annie Leonhart. Maybe I just didn't care anymore. Maybe I felt like I was being "friend zoned" by her even though we just met. I had no idea what was going on.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I smelt a burning smell. "SHIT!" Well, at least it wasn't a fire 😋.


After I ate my food I went inside of my dorm to study, although I couldn't get the thought out of my head. 'Could I really not like Annie? She is so pretty and stuff so how could I not?' You were always the kind of person who would go for personality, so maybe that's why you didn't even care about wanting a romantic relationship with Annie Leonhart. You decided to look at her instagram just to test yourself out. "Okay, here I go."

Nobody's POV:

You scrolled through her instagram (totally not stalking it), and put ur hand on ur chest the whole time. Why, you may ask? Well, it was to test wether or not you liked her. It was simple. If your heart starts to beat faster then a normal pace while looking at them, i'm pretty sure you like them. If it doesn't, you most likely don't.

As you were scrolling, with your hand still on your chest, you didn't feel it beat faster then a normal pace. You were so confused. You didn't know whether or not you liked her. "Get a hold of yourself, y/n. Your such a bitch. Stop thinking about this and do your work." After telling yourself that, you finally had the courage to do school work. As you were focusing and working your ass off, you heard someone very familiar scream, "IMMMMM HOMEEEEEEE!"

"Jesus Petra, quit being so loud will you?"

"Tf is Petra?"



You remembered Hanji. She was your best friend, and still is. You were probably going crazy. Thinking that Hanji was Petra?! How could you!



You two hugged and stuff.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh! I just came here to say hi! I had some free time and stuff so I drove an hour from my university just to see you!"

"Oh wow i'm glad you came."

After talking for a bit, we decided to go outside, even though it was freezing.

"Damn Hanji! How can you come here in just shorts and a t-shirt during the fall?"

"I don't know it was really hot when I left and I don't really feel cold."



SORRY FOR KEEPING YOU ALL WAITING! I haven't uploaded in so long jesussssss. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! You guys met Hanji and stuff so Yeah!

Spoiler for Aot: I'm so sad for Sasha's death and it has pained me. I have read all of the manga so you are free to say what you want! Although I didn't cry my eyes out, I am still very sad. I also want you guys to know I am both a Gabi and Sasha stan so I don't really want anyone to slander any characters on here. I'm trying to make my fanfic's a play where anyone and everyone can feel comfortable. You may show your opinions and stuff but please do not argue. I respect all of your guys' opinions and I hope you respect mine! Until next time my friends.

ONE LAST WORD! Poundtown 😋

ONE LAST WORD! Poundtown 😋

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