Chapter 6

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Parent's House
June 11, 2026
1200 hours

Erica's POV

My mom dropped me back off at her house and I got suited up for everything I need. To avoid the CIA agents I threw on a blonde wig, a t-shirt, and a skirt. I had my spy gear on under it, but it merely looked like I was wearing an undershirt and leggings. The skirt perfectly covered my utility belt. In almost 5 minutes I had transformed myself into the anti-Erica.

I sifted through the contents of the package once more. I had already taken everything out of it, or so I had thought, but one last thing caught my eye. It was tucked away in the corner of the package, folded upon itself as if I wasn't supposed to find it. I opened it up.

To whom this may concern,

I must have died if you found this page. I wrote this in case SPYDER finally got to me and ended it all.

It was an honour to work at the CIA. I gave my life to protecting this country and you, the agency, helped give my life a purpose. You changed my life, and I couldn't be more grateful, even if I was not supposed to be at Spy School originally.

What I do know is this: SPYDER is still around. They have a new leader, who is even more mysterious. They go by the codename "Dignitas". I don't know much about the organization, but I do know that Ashley Sparks, Dane Brammage, and Joshua Hallal are still working with them. Although at the time I am writing this, they are under lock and key, that may not be for long.

I'm sorry for the failed mission. I did everything I could and it wasn't enough. Send my regards to my family.


Agent Benjamin "Smokescreen" Ripley

I finished the letter. What an odd last few words. Coupled with the fact that I didn't even think he was dead, I became very confused. I didn't have time to dwell on it though. I had to go investigate my lead.


I was back at the city cemetery. It was a bright and sunny day, and there were a few others gathered, mourning their beloved dead ones. I quickly moved through it all, back to where Ben's grave was. I saw the tombstone and the gray slab that was on top of the area his coffin would be. I then inspectes the circular divot in the tombstone closer. There were a few etchings that seemed to have faded away. I placed the circular object I found from the package into the tombstone, and it fit perfectly.

Nothing happened.

I waited for about 15 seconds, and then a keypad appeared at the bottom corner of the tombstone. It looked ancient, but I could tell that it had been kept in good shape. I struggled to come up with a code. I tried my name once more, but that didn't work. I was so frustrated.

I was so close, but so far. I tried to scour my brain for anything that could give me a clue. Ben was a math genius, and a brainiac, who also was very loyal. He was your typical boy past that. At least from what I remembered from the last time I saw him.

Wait. A math genius.

I looked back at the keypad. I figured out why I had been stumped. This one had a period button, which wouldn't be on any other keypad. I instantly knew the code.


The keypad retracted from where it came from. The gray slab then started to move downward, so after making sure no one was watching, I jumped down onto it.

I found myself in a dark and damp hallway. I ditched the costume now that I was underground. I continued along for 15 seconds until I saw a room with 4 flatscreen TV's, a computer, a monitor, and a chair. I also saw 2 separate desks on the sides of the wall, each with a computer. There was paper strewn everywhere. I looked through it.

Most of it was diagrams of buildings and random mathematical calculations, but I found some files on SPYDER. It was mostly just updates that Ben self-kept. He mostly recorded that he hadn't known any new information.

But then I found a paper with a red, bloody spider drawn on it. I opened it.

My eyes widened and my mouth opened. Ben must have found out about the attack that was going to happen today. I didn't know what his true intentions were.

Was he with SPYDER now? Were all the other updates planted? No, Erica. He probably just couldn't find you. Just stop messing with yourself.

I had been so caught up that I didn't realize another person had entered the room.

"So, we meet again, Erica," the voice said.

I turned around.

No way.

I guess you will have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens. Sorry, not sorry. Also thank you for around 40 views on the prologue!! I know it may not seem like a lot but it's still so significant to me seeing as I just started. Hope you all are staying safe :)

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