"Well, let's just... how are you enjoying it here so far?" Dream asked.

"It's fun," George replied, switching out his chalk for a green one and drawing a stem and leaves for his flower. "I like hanging out with you guys. Sapnap is exactly what I expected him to be, just as loud and annoying in person as he is online - in a good way, of course. It's fun. Do you guys usually call each other by your real names?"

"Um, sometimes," Dream replied. "It's just easy to keep calling him Sapnap cause that's what he is online."

George nodded. "I don't think I'd ever get used to calling you Clay," he said.

Dream laughed. "We're going to be old men one day and you're still going to be calling me Dream," he said.

George laughed, too. "I don't know, I might," he replied.

Their laughter died off and they were in silence again for a minute. "Do you think you could ever move in with us?" Dream asked. "Hypothetically, of course, it doesn't have to actually happen."

"Um," George thought for a moment. "I don't know. I mean,  I really like hanging out with you guys, and I'm having a good time... I just - I don't know. It feels like a really big commitment, you know? And I've only been here for two days."

"Yeah, I get it," Dream assured him. He didn't want to stress George out. 

"I want to figure things out before I leave, though," George said. "Maybe we should give it a couple more days before we make up our mind."

Dream nodded. "Okay," he said, but his curiosity got the best of him. "Can I ask you what you think about it right now? You don't have to answer if you don't want."

George thought for a moment. "I like this," he said. "Hanging out like this, being with you. But I'm going to have to leave again, and then we won't have this anymore. That's... that's the hard part. We might have it now, but we're going to lose it."

Dream hadn't thought about it like that, and he really didn't want to think about it like that. However that was unfortunately the sad truth.

"Yeah, that's true," Dream said at last. "But..." he didn't have anything to add. "I don't know. It's true."

George finished the small details of his flower, reaching over Dream again to put the chalk back. They were there, together. It was everything Dream had been waiting for for months, years, even. Even if things weren't perfect, they had each other. For now, anyway.

Dream smiled slightly, putting his chalk back and grabbing a yellow one, drawing it over George's flower.

 "What are you doing?" George asked him, since Dream's hand was blocking George's view of what he was doing."

It was a cheesy sun, but it was the thought that counts. He leaned back and looked at then sun, then at George. "Hey George," Dream said.

George looked at him. "What?"

Dream gave him a cheesy smile. "You are my sunshine," he said.

George laughed slightly, turning to look at the sun. "You're ridiculous," he said.

Dream laughed, grabbing the green chalk. Then he felt something rest on his shoulder. He looked over, George had rested his head on Dream's shoulder and was looking at the cheesy drawing in front of him. His heart fluttered.

They sat there in the driveway for a while longer, George's head on Dream's shoulder as he mindlessly added tiny details to their little picture in silence. Eventually their moment had to end when they were both drowsy and decided it was finally time to go to bed. And for the first time in a while, Dream fell asleep moments after his head hit the pillow.


Sapnap crawled under Dream's covers the next morning and wrapped his icy fingers around the back of Dream's neck to wake him up. It worked very well, too. Dream's eyes shot open and he squeaked, grabbing Sapnap's wrists and prying them away from his neck.

"SAPNAP WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Dream demanded as he pulled away.

Sapnap cracked up. "I got the mail this morning and now my fingers are cold," he managed.

Dream rubbed the back of his neck to warm it up again. "Gosh, I prefer you sitting on me over that," he groaned.

"Well it worked, didn't it?" Sapnap asked. 

Dream sighed, propping himself up on his elbows. "Is George up yet?" he asked.

Sapnap shrugged. "He hasn't left his room yet, so I'm assuming no," he replied. "It's eight, though."

They had gone to bed at around three, so that was reasonable. "Yeah, we went to bed late," he replied, then froze. Sapnap thought they'd all gone to bed at the same time.

"Nope, can't go back, it's too late," Sapnap said. "Explain."

"We were just drawing," Dream insisted, and Sapnap gave him a 'bullcrap' look. "Go look in the driveway."

Sapnap slid out of the bed and left the room. Dream got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. Sapnap entered, clearly mad he was proven wrong but didn't say anything. George woke up an hour or so later and they took a chill day. They did a lot of games like mario kart and even did card games, which George was surprisingly good at.

By the time it hid midnight, Dream was actually tired from staying up extra late and having Sapnap attempt to freeze him so early. So for the first time since George had gotten there, they all actually went to bed at the same time.

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