The Tell-Tale Heart

Start from the beginning

"Okay, Kev," Archie complained, "we get it."

"There goes my appetite for the day." Stevie groaned, putting her coffee cup on the table

"I gotta go." Betty softly spoke, quickly making her way out of the room.

"Hey, Jug," Stevie called, "What's up with Beth?"

Jughead shrugged, "I have no idea. She was fine this morning."

"Maybe it had to do with Keller's descriptive explanation." Sweet Pea mumbled, causing Stevie to nudge his chest with her foot.

Stevie got off the couch, holding out her hand to her boyfriend, "C'mon. We have a bio test. And I know you didn't study."

Sweet Pea groaned but accepted her hand as he let her pull him off the couch and out of the room.

"It's weird, ya know," He spoke, "coming to school and actually learning something."

"Tell me about it," Stevie sighed, opening her locker, "it's a nice change. That for once I'm not ahead of the teachers and having to tutor almost all the Serpent's."

Sweet Pea leaned against the lockers next to his girlfriend, "I'm gonna deny ever saying this, but I actually enjoy coming to school. Knowing that I'm actually getting a proper education."

Stevie internally 'awed' at him, turning to face him, "You're such a big softie. Who woulda thought. The resident Southside Bad-Boy actually likes school."

Said boy rolled his eyes at her letting a smile appear, "yeah, yeah. You can shut up."

Stevie chuckled as she grabbed her bio book and notes, shutting her locker, holding her hand out for him to take, pulling him to their bio class.

Jughead had told Stevie that he had a feeling that Hiram was paying Mayor McCoy and that they're both responsible for the eviction notices. Which is why she decided to join his meeting with her dad and Hiram, see if she could sike him out.

She was sitting next to Jughead on the couch, arms crossed with a glare on her face as she sat across from Hiram. Who wasn't fazed by her attitude.

"Thank you for agreeing to sit down and discuss this misunderstanding."

"There's no-"

"There's no misunderstanding." Fp cut off Jughead, taking a seat next to Stevie, who scoffed at her father's words.

"Tall Boy said you paid him to decapitate the Pickens statue." Fp stated

"As an excuse to turn up the heat on the Serpent's." Jughead spoke

"You got a lot of nervous people scared they're gonna lose their home." Fp told Hiram

"Including some of your daughter's classmates, Mr Lodge." Stevie spoke, Fp nudging her ribs

"I heard about that," Hiram started, "And though it had nothing to do with me, I've spoken to Mayor McCoy. And as a gesture of goodwill to the Southside community, I'd like to settle any back rent you or your neighbors owe the town."

The three Jones' shared a look before looking back at Hiram, "And what do you want in return?"

"Peace in the land." Hiram offered. But Stevie didn't believe him. Hiram was just as bad as Penny. Nothing he does comes without a catch. And Stevie was waiting for it.

"It's a deal." Fp spoke, standing up to shake his hand

"There is one thing," Hiram spoke

"There it is." Stevie scoffed, standing up

"Mayor McCoy tells me you have some kind of... expose you're working on, Jughead," he continued, "so in exchange for my generous off, I'd appreciate it if you just kept my name out of it. Sound fair?"

The two siblings scoffed in disbelief at him. After everything Hiram has put their family through, he expects them to not belittle him? Absolutely not.

"That sounds a lot like a bribe," Jughead started

"No deal. You've made our life hell over the last year and a half. No deal." Stevie finished

Fp laughed at his kids answers and the look on Hiram's face, "See you in the funny pages."

Once the Lodge's left, Stevie turned to her dad and brother with a look of disbelief on her face, "Who the fuck does he think he is? After what he put us through? He expects us to leave him out of it? Absolutely not. No way in hell!"

Fp and Jughead shared a look of amusement. They knew it was no secret that amount of distaste Stevie held for Hiram Lodge. They were surprised she went as far as being friends with Veronica.

Hiram's got another thing coming if he thinks he could intimidate me." Jughead told her

"I gotta bounce," Stevie sighed,  grabbing her bag, "we have a big English test and Sweet Pea and Fangs are about as useful as the white crayon when it comes to studying."

The two saluted her as she made her way through the trailer park, walking over to Sweet Pea's trailer. Walking in without knocking, she kicked her shoes off, making her way to his room.

Like the typical teenage boy he was, he was sprawled out on his bed, blanket covering his lower half, his back exposed. Stevie took that opportunity to put his laundry away and organizing his desk.

"I could get used to this." He mumbled, startling Stevie. She chucked a pencil at him as he let out a laugh, stretching before sitting up, leaning against the wall.

"Well don't," Stevie said, flopping down next to him, "I'm not gonna clean up after you all the time. You literally put your clothes next to your hamper, lazy-ass."

"I do that on purpose," Sweet Pea mumbled, pulling her into his side, "you scrunch your face up when you get frustrated and I find it adorable."

"Then you must have found me fucking gorgeous when we hated each other." She grumbled, tracing over the tattoo on his thumb

"I did," he responded, causing Stevie to freeze, looking up at him, "I'm sorry, what?"

"I did. Find you gorgeous. I've thought you were gorgeous since I saw you," Sweet Pea started, "Once you walked into class freshman year. I think I was only a dick to you because you were practically royalty with the Serpents. And I knew you were too good for me. I still think that."

Stevie was now sitting next to him as she looked at him with nothing but love in her eyes, "Noah..."

Sweet Pea shook his head, "You don't have to say anything. I know I was a dick to you. Not like you didn't deserve it. You could be a bitch when you wanted to be."

Stevie leaned forward and cut him off with a kiss, grabbing his face between her hands. She pulled away with a smile as she rubbed her thumbs over his cheeks, "What was that for?"

"Don't think I'm too good for you. You're just what I need," She replied, "You balance me out. Keep me sane. You were the only thing keeping me sane when my dad got arrested. You were with me every step of the way. You didn't treat me like I was made of glass or walk on eggshells around me. And I can't thank you enough for that."

Sweet Pea leaned forward to connect their lips together, pulling her to straddle him, rubbing her thighs as she placed hers in his hair.

"Although," Stevie mumbled, pulling away from him, "I could have done without you kicking my knee out any time I played pool."

Sweet Pea laughed as he pushed her hair behind her ear, "you did the same to me, don't even."

"Guess we're perfect for each other," She teased, connecting their lips once again


Just a little filler because this episode didn't have a whole lot of Jughead or the Serpent's in it. I'm not sure how I feel about this one but I thought I would have a cute little fluffly chapter of some Stevie and Sweet Pea sap.

Also, is there anyone who could possibly make me a cover for the story? i'm absolutely garbage when it comes to that stuff. I'd give you full credit for it!! Just message me and let me know

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