"What is it?"

"Let's go home first." And he snaked his arms in his mother's shoulders as they walk towards the car, while me, following them behind.

Maybe he was not in the mood to greet me.

Or maybe he don't want to see me.

How I waited this day to come;

How I want to hug him;

How much I miss him;

How I want be with him;

But he just treat me like I'm invisible.

Like I'm no one. Like we never meet before.

"Whose gonna drive?" His mother asked. "Sweetie, you drive." She cooed to his son while patting his back.

"I want to talk to you, mom. And I can't do it if I dri-"

"I'll drive." I volunteered.

Since I was the one who drove in our way to the airport, the key is in my pocket.

I sat in the driver's seat and revved the engine.

Even in our way to their house, he treats me like I'm not visible.

"Eomma, how are you?" I see him at the rearview mirror talking at his mom.

"I'm very fine. Now that you're here. You?"

"I'm fine 'cause after how many years, I see you. I miss you so much mom."

And I'm hoping he would do that to me.

Is he happy seeing me?

Did he miss me?

I wanted to ask those questions but I stop myself for now. I am not yet prepared to be hurt, even though I'm already hurting.

We arrived at their house. They both step out of the car first and I follow.

"Eomma, Cook me dinner."

"I will."

"Gomawo." And he kiss his mother's cheeks.

I feel like they don't need me anymore so I decided to left.

"Eommoni, I will leave first." They stop from walking towards the door of their house when I speak.

"It's already dark. Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah. I'm used to it."

"Okay. Thank you for accompanying me Chae Won-ah." Her mother said.

"No worries. I'll be going then." I bowed and slowly turn around walking on my way to our house.

I look back to see if they're still watching me leaving, but they're already inside their house.

I'm so excited to see him, but he wasn't.


That night, she can't sleep because of thinking too much. There's a lot of questions lingering in her mind.

Why was he like that?

Why did he became different?

And there's this one question she don't want to popped out in her mind, but keeps coming abruptly.

Didn't he love her, anymore?

And because of absorbing what was happening this day, sleepiness strikes her.

The next day, she decided to go to Kris' house. She missed him very much that she want to at least hug him.

"You're here ma'am." Their helper said.

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