Ch. 14

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians belong to Rick Riordan. All credit to him.

The war god was waiting for us in the parking lot of the same diner where he met us, sharpening his hunting knife on top of his bike.

"Well well," he said. "You didn't get yourself killed."

"You knew it was a trap." Percy stepped forward.

"I bet that crippled blacksmith was surprised when he netted a couple of stupid kids. You looked good on TV." Percy was about to shove the shield into the gods chest but I took it from him before he could. Like how I often started in a fight, I threw my arm across my body and sent the new shield flying over buildings and kiosk roof tops into the dark sky.

"Dan," Annabeth had dropped her jaw and was rigid. I turned back to the war god who hadn't moved and looked unimpressed.

"Nice pull," Ares said. "But we aren't at any old shooting range blasting clay pigeons." Ares held out an arm in shield up position, and glittering into form was his shield I just pitched.

"What was the point of us retrieving it if you could summon it?" Percy asked through gritted teeth. I wasn't embarrassed like when I held the god at sword point or surprised like Annabeth or Grover, but just tired of being in the gods aggravating aura.

"You made us walk into a trap meant to hold gods and we got your shield and your play thing goddesses scarf," I pulled the pink and shimmering scarf of Aphrodite that Annabeth had found along with Ares' shield. "You tried to come after Percy for being a coward but he took up your erin and pulled us out of there like it was nothing when you hightailed it so fast that you couldn't remember your symbol of power."

"Dan!" Annabeth lurched forward and was gripping my clenched fist. Grover was already holding my shoulders.

"It was out of range and dealing with magical interference from one of Hephestus's silly little gadgets. Listen to bloundy, woodchip, before you get turned to sawdust." Ares stood from his bike and towered over us in the form of a grown man, but titling his glasses down to show his red hot blazing eyes. His shield with bloody pictures decorating it looked more menacing now that it was back in his owner's hands, so I bit my tongue.

"You're a jerk," Percy sounded in by my side now.

"A jerk who has such a big heart that he's gonna get you to your destination despite being insulted over and over again." Ares pointed to an eighteen wheeled truck parked across the street from the dinner. "That's your ride. Take it straight to LA." Ares took off the shield and spun it in the air like how we saw talian vendor do with pizza dough once in New York. The shield turned into a thick vest with a patch showing a spear shatter against a shield, which Ares slung over his shoulder. The back of the big semi read "Kindness international. Humane Zoo Transport. Warning, live wild animals."

"You're kidding," Percy told, not looking away from the truck. Ares grinned a manure eating grin.

"Free ride west punk. Stop complaining," The god snapped his fingers and the back of the truck unlatched and the doors peaked open. "Here's a little something for completing the job though," Ares slung off a shiny blue bag in the dark from his handlebars and tossed it to Percy. We peaked inside and there were enough fresh clothes for us all, twenty dollars, a bag of golden drachma, and a package of sandwich cookie Oreos.

"We don't want your..." I began as Percy raised the bag over his head to pitch it back in the gods face. Grover jumped on Percy to tear the bags from his hand while Annabeth slapped me in the mouth.

"Thank you lord Ares," Grover said, shouldering the bag and shooting warning signs at me and Percy.

"Thanks," Percy grunted.

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