The Wicked and Divine

Start from the beginning

FP handed his daughter her phone as he ruffled her hair, "I liked it better when you two were fighting all the time."

Stevie was in the student lounge on Sweet Pea's lap, sitting next to Kevin as Veronica was explaining her confirmation.

"I already invited Archie, but I want you guys to be there as well. Usually these kinds of events, baptisms, confirmations, are family-only. But since it's all about me and you guys are my chosen family, I pulled some strings and reserved you a pew." Veronica explained, turning to look at Stevie, "I left two seats open for you and your beau. It's totally okay if you don't come. I just figured since you two are now part of the inner circle, I'm going to include you both in events all things Lodge."

Stevie looked down at Sweet Pea, who was already looking at her, "Sure, why not? It'll give Toni and Kevin a chance to bond over how I have no sense of style."

"What is the uh-dress code?" Kevin asked, all but bouncing in excitement at getting to bond with Toni and use Stevie for dress up, "Catholic chis. So, dresses for the girls, veils optional and coats and ties for the boys."

Principal Weatherbee's voice rang throughout the PA, "Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper report to the principal's office. Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper please report to the principal's office."

"Do i wanna know what you did now?" Stevie sighed looking at her brother who just shrugged, walking out with Betty.

"Stevie, Sweet Pea," Veronica spoke, causing the couple to turn and face the raven haired girl, "Given my father's opinion on the Southside, would it be asking too much if you two could shed your skins for the confirmation? Just for the ceremony. You two can wear them for the reception."

"Of course, Veronica." Stevie smiled as Sweet Pea went to protest, "We get it. We'll be fine for a few hours."

Veronica smiled at the couple, walking out with Archie and Kevin, "You owe me for this."

Stevie just hummed, placing a kiss on his lips as she pulled him up, "Guess I could wear what Toni bought me for Christmas."

"And what did she buy you?" He smirked, wrapping his arm around her as she looked up at him through her lashes, "just a matching blue lace set."

Sweet Pea let out a groan as Stevie laughed, pulling him to their next class.

Stevie was sat on the counter in Sweet Pea's trailer with a look of admiration on her face as she watched the boy cook.

"You've been staring at me for 10 minutes." Sweet Pea spoke, looking at the girl over his shoulder as she just smiled at him, "I love you, Pea. I really do."

He wiped his hands on a towel, turning to the girl, "I love you too. And I still feel horrible about what I said to you at your dad's party."

Stevie sighed, making her way over to the boy, grabbing his hands as he stepped in front of him, "I'd be lying if I said part of me was okay with what happened. I was crushed that you didn't believe in me. But part of me is glad Dad took the Serpent's back. Because now, I can focus on school, my friends, and boyfriend?"

Sweet Pea looked down at her with a smile, "I like the sound of that."

Before either of them could make a move, a knock on the door caused the two teens to groan, "If it's Fangs, I'm gonna kick his ass."

Sweet Pea laughed as he made his way to the door, anger flooding through him at the notice on the door. Stevie had noticed he had gone quiet and she walked over to him, "Pea?"

He handed her the eviction notice as he watched all the other Serpent's look at theirs.

"We're being evicted?" Stevie exclaimed, "Over what?"

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